View Full Version : starting to panic

06-06-12, 19:02
Hi everyone,

I hope someone understands what i'm going through on here I suffer from generalised anxiety and ocd and am awaiting cbt, I am posting in here cause i'm feeling so low and i dunno what to do, I have recently tried starting a little cupcake business which is taking off but my family have become filled with greed my mum just wants to work me like a muel and my sister is just being horrible about the whole thing to me. to be honest they stress me out constantly with they nagging and moaning my mum moans if i isit my bf's family cause i would do anything for them but the truth is sometimes i dont see them for 2 months, and also if we argue my mum says the most hurtful things such as she only had me cause my dad wanted a kid. My sister is just cruel and hurtful about everything, it may sound like i'm moaning over a trvial matter but this is all just building and making me so stressed and when i get stressed i feel really ill and the stress just aint goin and that makes me panic cause usually i will calm down n the stress smptoms go but it just aint and i dunno why :(

06-06-12, 21:35
Try and focus on your business and not to take any notice of the hurtfull things they are saying to you, I know that is easier said than done, but it sounds like they are jealous of you.
You have used your own initiative and got off your backside and are trying to make something of your life. Stay focused!!!
If your Mum is expecting too much of you, give her some responsibility, otherwise try and get some time out away from negative influences.

Well done and good luck!!!

06-06-12, 22:02
Hello KJ, i agree with BobbyDog focus on the success you have made of yourself rather than people putting you down. You sound like you need someone to say well done to you. You should be really proud of yourself. WELL DONE!!!. :). XXX

13-06-12, 09:53
A great technique when you feel anxiety taking a hold of you is to not try and fight it but simply allow it to enter into your body and overcome you.