View Full Version : Advice on numbness please - any one else had any thing similar?

06-06-12, 23:54
Hi every one,

I have posted the same sort of thing before but a long time ago and I had forgotten about it really but lately I have been thinking of it more. I'm really convinced that I have MS, I'm not sure if the reason I have started thinking of it again is because some one I know has just died of complications due to MS :(

Any way about 5.5 years ago now when I was 17, I woke up one night with a dead arm and leg where I had been laying on them. Instead of it going it then spread further up my arm and leg but then went.
A few nights later the same thing happened but it was much worse. The 'dead' feeling spread to my lips and for a few seconds I was unable to talk!
Again a few nights after this it happened and the numbness spread to my nose.
With each episode I had pins and needles on and off all day the day after it had happened.
I saw my dr and they said that it was caused by a trapped nerve but I'm convinced a trap nerve couldn't have done that!

Also at the same time as this was all happening, my eye sight went funny and I had double vision constantly for about 2-3 weeks. I saw my optician and he said this was because of a lazy eye. The dr knew about this as well but said he wasn't worried that there was a connection at all.

Around all the time this was happening I had been extremely depressed and anxious with panic attacks a lot but I was also absolutely exhausted and just didn't feel well.

I am just so convinced that I have MS and that this was an attack as I have hurt some people with it can go quite a few years between attacks.
I don't really know what to do because I would like to know if I have it but then I also don't want to know!

Has any one else experienced any thing like this? Sorry it's just a long post!

07-06-12, 09:01
Bump x

07-06-12, 11:39
I have the same fear about MS, it is actually runing my life.
I have had symptoms for the last 2 yrs that come and go. In my mind I have accepted that this is what I have and the doc will eventually confirm it.
My eye sight is dodgy sometimes
I feel very dizzy alot
I get dog tired for no good reason
My right leg goes numb and weird feeling, then goes weak and with cramps, like I have run a marathonn on one leg, then my hands go stiff and uncoordinated

I want an mri to confirm ( or rule out) my fears

07-06-12, 13:21

Thanks for replying.

It's really awful isn't it to feel convinced that you have some thing. I feel the same!
Will your dr give you an mri to rule out MS? xx

07-06-12, 16:10
‎4 years ago I had a numb spot on my lip. I also had some tingling/weakness in my body on my left side. I was sent for a brain MRI to check for MS. The test was negative - no MS and no real explanation. I also have slight scoliosis where my back is slightly off (not even noticeable unless you are looking for it). So I eventually just chalked it up to that.

Then about 2 years ago my lips started to buzz I noticed whenever I would lay down to sleep at night. Since I had a clear brain scan I didn't think anything of it. People said nerves, alignment, etc.

About 6 weeks ago my arms and hands (mostly on the left side) started hurting and tingling. I decided to see a chiropractor. The first week she said I could either get an MRI of my cervical spine (shoulder area) or just start treatment and see if it got better. I mentioned to her my buzzing lips and she said she didn't think that was related to my spine :(. I was hoping it was.

So I started treatments. Instead of adjustments I was having physical therapy. I felt good after the first visit, but then after the second and third I felt worse and worse. I think they were too rough on me. And my lips actually started buzzing more. So logically you would think it is all nerve and spine related. But for me I feel scared.

So I had an MRI done last week of my neck and shoulder (dr looking for pinched nerve, disks, etc). I know logically it seemed it was just a bulging disk, or pinched nerve,but because of the buzzing (and everyone who has MS says they "buzz") I was afraid I have it or some other weird neurological thing. Letting my anxiety get the best of me causes me to feel confused, lose weight, not sleep, drop things, feel clumsy. And in turn makes me wonder even more about neuro problems.

I got the scan results back, clear for anything serious. Just some things (which the nurse wouldn't tell me over the phone) that would be causing my tingling/pain. So there is something structural or with nerves that are causing these symptoms.

Once I got the news some of my symptoms eased up - seriously. So much anxiety really can cause these symptoms and act like diseases. My lips and arms are still effected but now that I know it is something that is not serious and can be explianed I don't feel like I am losing my mind anymore.

07-06-12, 16:18
Hi thank you replying Dz.

That must have been scary for you with all those symptoms! I'm very pleased for you that your results were good though.

I know anxiety can do all sorts to you but I still can't get my head around the fact that this happened to me and my lips actually went dead for a few seconds and I couldn't talk, it was just so strange xx

07-06-12, 18:01
im convinced i have to i get pins n needles in my legs and arms which comes and goes i get a numb patch on my foot i get tingles in my face dizzyness and wierd vision my mum also has ms which makes me think il def have it :-(

07-06-12, 18:34
Me too i keep getting a weak/tingly/prickly right arm and cold/numb feeling patches on my right leg/foot. My head is awful foggy/headaches/off balance and i am constantly tired. I feel like i have to think about what i am saying before i say it and feel more clumsy.

07-06-12, 20:07
i get numb fingers and arms too. only when v depressed i think looking back at it with a (sot of) rational mind. Oddly I never even think it's a disease - somehow I just blame myself and think i deserve it. it always goes away!!

08-06-12, 02:26
I have added to my list of symptoms this weird weak feeling about half way down my spine. If I lie down flat it comes on and then everything from that point down goes completely numb!!
Also my insides feel strange. It kind of does feel like buzzing or like they are itchy or someone is tickling the inside,
I cant live like this anymore, I am going to go tomy doc and just straight up ask for neuro referral and then straight up ask him for an mri. I need to know one way or the other.

---------- Post added at 01:26 ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 ----------

also I have notice a pattern of the symtoms. They come on real strong for 2 weeks before my period and then fade away,
do any other of you ( female of course) find a pattern like that? I think this is the bit that scares my the most, that it comes and goes regularly.,

08-06-12, 16:32
ive noticed mines worse a week before my period