View Full Version : trying to prove i deserve my sickness benefit

07-06-12, 00:08
I dont know if im doing this right as this is my first attempt im new here.. iv had attacks for over 16 years im 42, i find it difficult to explain myself as i suffer from concentration problems.
I get most ill when im tired, and i tire easily, no-one around me seems to understand im usually told to pull myself together. difficult when im trying my hardest to breath, and feeling as though im being strangled, its such an aweful scarey thing to have to live with i have 3-4 really bad attacks a week the rest of the time im aware that im breathing. i cant do the normal things like socialising cause i just have attacks. i wake in the night and im hyperventilating, im jut so tired of it.. i was recieving sickness benefit up until 6 months ago when the goverment decided that i wasnt entitled, and im trying to appeal. i tried to explain to them how it effects me daily and how i am when im haveing an attack trying to breath and running back and forth to the toilet because my bowels are running like a chocolate fountain, and how i run round and cant sit still because im now panicing.. im just so fed up iv lost a lot of my benefit money and iv a 2 year old to feed and bills to pay.. why cant the goverment see that ok my disability isnt one you can see. but it effects me every day and i would love to go out hold my head up high and work.. but i justcant do it no one would employ a person who would be calling in sick 3 times a week cause she is hyperventilating.. im making no sense i know,, but u just feel like absolute crap and that they just dont understand x

07-06-12, 00:18
Hi sharonnotts

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

eight days a week
07-06-12, 00:27
My friend you need help, you shouldn't have to feel like this alone (and you are not alone :)) There are many good people here who will offer kindness, consideration, and perhaps some practical advice, but as well as that at the end of the day I think you need to talk to your doctor also, or look at local self-help groups, or something :)

Do you breathe right most of the time? Don't take shallow breaths! Even if it feels like you need to (and I know it does) try to slow that down and get some air into the bottom of your lungs and not just the top part. For me when I hit panic I just start shallow breathing more and more in desperation and really shallow, and that's actually what makes me feel worse!

What kind of medical support do you get?

07-06-12, 00:38
My doctor gives me diazepan and i take half when needed, other than that i dont get any help, i guess i just learned to cope i know what i can and cant do and i do as little as possible. i asked my doctor to write a letter when i had to appeal but she just said that she thinks i could explain myself to them, i guess they didnt understand how debilitating my attacks are or i didnt manage to explain myself. i do all the correct breathing when i need to, i just seem to constantly be in the semi strangulation feeling period all the time and have been like that for years :)

07-06-12, 01:51
If i were you i would go back to your GP and insist that they refer you to your local mental health team..your GP is failing you :lac:

I am not sure where you live but my local mental health team in kent allows a person to self refer so you need to find out if you can do that in your area....i also have a mental health advocate and there job is to speak for you, to get across how you feel and how your illness effects you and to make sure you are heard....Where in the uk are you?

07-06-12, 09:37
im in nottingham, i used to have a mental health worker. but i moved and she told me i was no longer in her area. i suffer really bad with concentration problems and find things quite difficult at times... i was told when id asked where my nearest one was that they didnt know.

07-06-12, 11:38
There is a bit of a government campaign against so called sickness scroungers at the moment. That doesn't mean you are one, it means that you have to be a little more tenacious to get the financial support you need and are eligible for.

You mentioned you are in Nottingham. Here is the link to Nottingham Welfare rights service. They should be able to help you a bit more through the process (if they aren't already that is). Good luck. :)


07-06-12, 17:45
Here is a link to Nottingham mental health services http://www.nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/our-services/local-services/adult-mental-health-services/

Link to mental health advocates http://www.nnaa.org.uk/project_details.php?id=14 (http://www.nnaa.org.uk/project_details.php?id=14)

more info http://www.nottinghamcity.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=3842

eight days a week
07-06-12, 18:01
Excellent links and advice from everyone, I really hope that helps you sharon.

I completely agree that your doctor should refer you to a psychiatrist/your local mental health services, and also that you should get in contact with the people on all the links you've been given.

Good luck and please keep us posted :)

07-06-12, 19:35
I just want to thank everyone for the support, i cried last night because for the first time in the 16ish years iv sufferd i feel understood, its like i have been fighting a battle and finally found a safehouse, i hope i dont sound silly.. but its just how i feel.. thankyou so much for the links, il be loking at them all...:hugs: