View Full Version : weight loss concern!

07-06-12, 10:10
Hi There,
My name is Peter and I am new to the site.

I have had trouble with my bowels over the past year which my Doctor has attributed to IBS. Recently, I went to the doctors complaining about a burning sensation in my abdomin and some bloating and pain in my lower abs.
He prescribed some Fybogel to take for two weeks. I took it for a week and then stopped as I didn't like how it was making my bowel movements (Gel like). But my concern is now that since I have took it, added in my worrys and anxeity etc, I have lost around 6 Lbs in two weeks! No I am worried I have something more sinister.

I am putting my own mind away. I eat well and go to the gym 3 times a week.
I'm 38

Any ideas?


07-06-12, 10:16
Are you having loose bowel movements a lot then? If so this will make you lose weight.

I have IBS and at first I was convinced it was bowel cancer but now I know its not. Some times I have diarrheoa, some times I have constipation, some times I get the urge that I have to rush to the toilet but when I get there I can't go and very very frequently I have cramps, pains and bloating.

07-06-12, 10:20
It varies Cassey, sometimes I have normal movements, then loose ones, especially when I am worried or have eat something that I shouldn't have!

I can have two normal, one loose.

Sorry for the detail.....:huh:

07-06-12, 10:31
That definitely sounds like ibs. Do you feel you go to the toilet very often? Lol sorry it sounds like I'm obsessed with poo!

I'm sure you have lost the weight because of this xx

07-06-12, 10:43
Lol, your ok cassy. Usually 3 to 4 times a day