View Full Version : I'm an idiot so I deserve pain

07-06-12, 10:11
Just had a client meeting where the client had to point out my errors, so I'm struggling not to injure myself (and while I struggle I can't get work done, so I'm just making things worse).

I don't understand why I make such stupid mistakes.

07-06-12, 10:36
Spike don't be so hard on yourself, you are only human, I have made some pretty large mistakes in my life.

Give yourself a break!!!!!!!

07-06-12, 10:41
Hey spikie

We all make mistakes. Every single one of us. Even that client.
You sound really anxious, so I'm thinking your concentration is probably not where it should be either.

Be kind to yourself. Can you take a few minutes break?

07-06-12, 11:54
Hi all

I went and filed for a while, and tbh I have ended up marking my arms with pen (it makes me feel a little better to see what look like cuts at a glance, it's at least taken the edge off).

Thank you for your kind words.

07-06-12, 11:59
Do try to remain mindful and remember that it's your illness that makes you think like this.

Of course you do not deserve pain, no matter how big or small your errors are.

I still beat myself up for the silliest comments I made 30 years ago at school - and can remember them SO clearly!! and I'm flipping damn well sure that I am the only one who can remember them! Let alone the more major feck ups I've made as an adult.

When I am feeling bad and find myself wondering "why and and what did I do to deserve this?" I remember the stupid comments and actions and think "oh yes, THAT's what i did to deserve this". Of course, this is totally ridiculous and I have to remind myself of that and try to talk myself out of it.