View Full Version : migraines... HA at a all time high

07-06-12, 12:17
Ive been having contstant headaches for ages now, either one sided or top of my head or at the back of my neck... or even all over and im so frightened by all the things i read or hear about, from strokes to brain tumors.... its driving me insane... im 32 and there just seems to be so much stuff about on the news etc about life threatening condidtions.... so much i feel ive got no chance now :(

07-06-12, 12:52
Ive been having contstant headaches for ages now, either one sided or top of my head or at the back of my neck... or even all over and im so frightened by all the things i read or hear about, from strokes to brain tumors.... its driving me insane... im 32 and there just seems to be so much stuff about on the news etc about life threatening condidtions.... so much i feel ive got no chance now :(

had this for weeks, turned out i was clenching my teeth in my sleep sometimes (due to stress) and since all the muscles/ligaments in the head are connected it was causing pain at the top, back, sides, sometimes front between the eyes as if it was sinus related but wasn't, it can be in the neck too, you can get that from pure posture due to stress etc try rolling your head slowly in circles starting chin to chest, when i did that i could hear clicking noises of the ligaments, you may be able to too, but obviously stop if it hurts you more at all to do a head roll, personally it eased the tension for me xx

07-06-12, 17:21
thankyou for replyig, i really appriciate it. i certainly will try rolling my head... desperate for relief. most of the time my neck and head feel warm and flustered.... is that like you xx

07-06-12, 18:14
thankyou for replyig, i really appriciate it. i certainly will try rolling my head... desperate for relief. most of the time my neck and head feel warm and flustered.... is that like you xx

i didn't personally experience the warmth feeling just the headaches and the occasional sharp pains in my head down to tension too, but i seem to get that hot/flushed feeling in my head/neck if i exercise too much too soon or put pressure on other muscles in my body, so i'd say that likely happens due to stress, whether its mental or physical because muscles/ligaments are tense. if the headaches continue and you're still worried it may be worth having it checked out for your own peace of mind, but you may find they start to ease up if you can relax about it xx

07-06-12, 21:05
If your head/neck feels warm (mine does also, when I get migraines) try getting some white Tiger Balm from Boots or online - make sure it is the white one, not the red though. I slap it on when I get a migraine - on my neck, my temples, across my forehead, down my jawline, wherever it hurts basically - and it really helps to cool it down, which in turn helps me relax. I've been getting migraines for about 12 years now, so I'm well versed in the symptoms that go with them, and relief techniques :)