View Full Version : Hi all

07-06-12, 14:15
New to this forum and new to panic attacks. well i think they are. Started about three years ago when my father died then mother two months later then my lad a month after that. ever since then my lifes turned on its head. i was a police officer now i dont work and almost never leave the house because i panic being away from the house im dizzy and tired all the time etc etc so lets hope being on this forum helps me a little. the names scott by the way:)

07-06-12, 14:25
Hi pepi1967

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

07-06-12, 16:38
Hi Scott and welcome to NMP.
I'm so sorry to hear of the tragedies in your life.
You're not alone - I've suffered from anxiety and panic and I think it's related to death of my son in tragic circumstances, so if you need to 'talk', I'm always here for you. x

07-06-12, 19:05
Hi Scott,

I hope you can find plenty on here to help you. There is so much, and I find it really good. There is always something that makes me feel less alone in my struggle, and less down on myself.

It really sounds like you've been through a rough time, and like it will take some time to find your way back in life so to speak. You're in good company here, so i hope you find it helpful. :)

12-06-12, 13:52
Hi and thank you for the welcome.