View Full Version : throat makes crunching and clicking sound :(

08-06-12, 00:57
hi im new to this ive been suffering with panic disorder, depression and anxiety for 4 yrs now. its usualy my heart, chest, and abdomal area that concerns me most usually. but the past few months ive noticed a clicking/popping sound/feel in my neck/throat where a mans adams apple would be when i swallow saliva, also my glands under my jaw feel large and firm and my neck just feels different. i dont know if im imagining it or it was always like that and im noticing it now because my anxiety is getting worse? im scared...has anyone else had this? xx :weep:

08-06-12, 01:06
Have you seen a doc and what have they diagnosed?

08-06-12, 01:12
hi ive not seen a doctor for my throat or do you mean my anxiety? x

08-06-12, 01:17
I mean the throat - it is worth asking them as we are not doctors on here and he/she can reassure you over it all

08-06-12, 06:27
I have a clicking in my throat. I think it's cartilage. It's been there about 6 months. I can't make it do it, only happens a few times a day. I don't think it's serious. I'm waiting until my next regular doc visit to ask about it