View Full Version : Fear of throat closing

08-06-12, 09:27
Hi there. I have developed an overwhelming fear of my throat closing up and not being able to breathe.
It stems from having a condition called angioedema (which causes random swellings and can happen in the throat although this has never happened to me) combined with reflux (food coming up in the oesophagus) and currently, hayfever.
I've had health anxiety on and off for 20 years but after having CBT 8 years ago I had been much much better. However recently I read something on the internet about how the death rate in people who have an attack of the swelling in the throat is quite high! I've been obsessed ever since and I'm constantly clearing the throat and hyperventilating. Am so miserable, it seems like such a step backwards. Does anyone else have this specific fear?