View Full Version : Tingling/aching- tension??

08-06-12, 17:25
Ok I know I'm constantly on here needing reassurance but my symptoms are sporadic...... Got this constant ache in left arm that I have mentioned and both hands feel they are really tense and clumsy. My right leg is feeling odd but not weak just a bt heavy at top. It's almost like my fingers are getting heaviness like they are tensing and it comes and goes.

The pins and needles and tingling/buzzing can be quite intense in one foot and then all of a sudden it'll be in the other foot - can anxiety really cause this - can it all be tension related??? Have the usual MS/MND concerns and it worries me sick - I'm also wondering if I have fybromyalgia with all the aches I have. ITs the arm one that worries me the most because it's a pretty deep ache and it never relents and has got slightly worse over past 6 month. I used to just notice it when I was holding my phone but now I can feel it all the time and I worry it's something progressing.

It really does help getting reassurance on here - I am back at docs again on Wednesday and I had another appointment with a neurologist before I went on holiday who told me not to worry too much but they wanted me to have a visual evoked potentials test as I have distortion in my right eye - if I cover left eye even faces on TV are hard to see clearly. I had a detailed eye scan when it started and found nothing - I have since read about central serous retinopathy and have self diagnosed that ha ha because my symptoms sound identical and apparently even an eye scan can't always detect it and it leaves some distortion after its resolved. As i have said before all other neurolgical tests from chiro and neurologist came back normal spart from slightly brisk reflexes. Ok that's all for now. As you can tell I'm having a bad day !!!

08-06-12, 22:14

I can relate to the pains, I get them in my arms, mainly my right. Yes it feels really deep like its something right inside like my arm has just gone like a dead weight and so achey I dont even want to lift it up but it goes as quickly as it comes, especially when I try my hardest to focus my mind as much as possible on something else. I wont say dont worry because I know how hard that is but again with the aches and pains I think it is just anxiety.

Hannah x

08-06-12, 22:20
wow I've found a miracle cure .. how had NHS not picked in this .... a few friends round and 2 bottles of Merlot x x

11-06-12, 09:49
Lol im liking the sound of that cure! Did by any chance you forget about your symptoms for a little bit? I love that time when i forget that im worried about every single feeling/sensation :)

11-06-12, 17:17
yes best feeling when your not worried for those precious few hours!!! back with a vengeance though this morning .... had a mild panic attack last night and this morning I could barely use hands and my arms are so achy!!!! also I have one pupil bigger than the other .... another new worry!!!!!! back into MS/MND territory :(

11-06-12, 19:47
Hi Chris - loving your mircale cure! Every symptom you describe I have had. I say had because I'm much better now but at the time I was convinced I had MS, some kind of tumour or Parkinsons! I thought every day would be the day I would collapse and get rushed to hospital and spend the rest of my life in a bed! Reading it back sounds silly but at the time it wasn't funny and very real to me. My right arm would feel dead, my right leg ached when I walked on it, my foot tingled and I had aches/pains everywhere. I also have a blurry right eye that I've had since I was a kid but during my anxiety phase convinced myself it was worse and I was going blind! Even now everything is distorted through it but in my madness I forgot that was normal for me. It's something that cannot be cured and I live with it. I've had to work very hard at keeping my HA at bay and the only advise I can give is just 'get on with it'! I started to focus on other things and found my symptoms slowly disappearing. I still get days when I get twinges and feel a bit odd but then the next day I feel fine. I keep telling myself symptoms of anything serious don't present themselves in that way and that makes me feel a little better. Keep on with the Merlot:yesyes:! xx

11-06-12, 22:28
Thank you for your support - its just so hard to convince yourself that nothing's wrong - I never used to feel all weird like this - how can anxiety make my fingers stop working properly - its like as soon as I get my head round one symptom another one pops up :(

11-06-12, 23:15
I get all kinds of strange symptoms in my arms and legs. I get twitching, buzzing, weakness, redness, coldness, pain and a sense of not being all there. The symptoms come and go, are in all sorts of patterns and intensities and can be fine for a few days at a time. I have found that I can exercise without problem then feel like I barely have the strength to stand. Crazy huh! Anyway, I have been to several docs and had lots of physical therapy to help with all the muscle imbalances that come from my tension. I am also meditating and doing yoga, swimming, running and doing pilates. I wish I could tell you that I knew the answer, but I do know that your sensations are from anxiety and nothing else. I hope you feel better and please don't hesitate to post. Good luck.


11-06-12, 23:22
thanks for replying - just picking up your point on exercise .... I'm the same and never thought of it that way .... I just did a 5k run at gym tonight then now I'm struggling to write this because of finger and arm heaviness!!! bizzare ... I do still worry about ms tho as many people with it do lead normal lives yet have these strange symptoms.... :(

12-06-12, 12:16
A slight variation in pupil size is normal btw. If they both contract to pinheads in bright light and dilate fully in near-darkness they are fine.

The weakness, heaviness in limbs and tingling is anxiety. You need to practice 7/11 breathing. Search it under my username.