View Full Version : new visitor to site

08-06-12, 18:23
I think i have been on the slippery slope to where i am now for at least 2 years. I seemed to deal with a constant feeling of lack of appreciation at work and then even more when i got home from a very demanding partner. I no longer have the job (unemployed) and no longer have the partner.
I found I just couldn't cope with all this on my plate at once and found myself feeling hopeless,worthless and not able to do menial tasks and cry all the time. I went to the Drs and was put on escitalopram 10g which i took for 4 weeks and nothing seemed to change.This was then upped to 20g(max dose) which i took for 6 weeks. I found a slight improvement and felt a bit happy for a couple of hours a day but never a good night of sleep.After four weeks of this I found i leveled out to feeling crap all the time and never sleeping properly. some days i crashed out during the day for another 4-5 hours of restless sleep. I went back to the Drs again to get some serious help as i was getting really scared that this was going to be my life from now on.He imeadiatley put me onto Cita at 40g dosage and put me forwards for counseling (cbt) even before i had a tablet or counseling i felt a bit better as it meant things might change. I have been on the 40g pill for 10 days now. I have had 2 mornings of severe twitching and panic that i had to go to bed and sleep for 3 hours. I have though had my first 2 nights sleep without waking between 11pm and 7am .I find some days are just pointless but on some days by mid afternoon I can get things in perspective.
I found this web site by pure chance by doing a general search for side affects of the drug. It has really helped to know there are others out there and i hope by me sharing this it will help any other new visitors.I will try and keep this updated and also read more about others experiences.
Many thanks everyone and good luck to all
Skinny Pete

08-06-12, 18:34
Hi skinnypete

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

08-06-12, 21:45
Sorry you have been having problems in your private and work life.

I hope you get lots of good advice here at NMP, it has helped me loads since I joined about a month ago.

Veronica H
09-06-12, 11:43
:welcome:Pete. This is a friendly site with good information and support.xV