View Full Version : started sleepwalking now...scared!

08-06-12, 19:06
My brothers just told me that the other night I screamed, got out of bed and stood turning the light on and off staring into his room... Iv always been a sleep talker which scared me enough as it was. I used to have really bad insomnia because I was scared of sleeping and not being in control so this is really scary for me. Iv started cbt which helped fpr my social anxiety but so far my general anxiety seems to be getting worse :( my next session isn't for two weeks, what can I do in the meantime to control my worrying about this?
Has anyone had any experience with sleepwalkers before? Could this just have been a one off or is it likely this will happen again?
I'm scared of hurting myself or others in my sleep!
Thanks in advance :)

14-06-12, 20:52
i was a sleepwalker and so is my eldest child. i grew out of it in my twenties but she still does it when she's stressed so it is likely you will do it again.
make sure the rest of the household knows you're likely to wander, make sure your bedroom floor and landing are clear of debris. you're unlikely to hurt yourself and if anyone finds you they should just steer you back to bed.
it's easy to say but if you stress about what will happen then you'll make the problem worse. we just have a laugh about it in our household as it can be pretty funny to watch sometimes. i had to be rescued from an airing cupboard once as i thought it was a spaceship and i was travelling to the moon.....:whistles:

14-06-12, 21:51

first of all try to trust yourself, you won't hurt anyone. :)

Also, let me tell you a story: I've got a childhood friend, our parents were friends, and their parents were also friends, probably our children are going to be friends too. :P
Some years ago I went for a sleepover to her house. I had heard from my dad that her dad was sleepwalking doing funny things but unluckily we were alone in the house so he wasn't there to let me see that. :) Instead her sister knocked the door at 4:30 in the morning holding a teacup upside down and asking where her box was. I have no idea what she was actually dreaming of at that time. :) So we just got her and put her into her bed again. As it seems the whole family has that habit though. :)

When I was little I did that too, searching for my butterflies in my schoolbag during the night. :P No idea where that came from but it didn't happen again.
As you see it's not something harmful and definately one time doesn't label you as a sleepwalker. It might not even happen again.

I hope that makes you feel better. :)