View Full Version : Anxiety Sweats

08-06-12, 19:34
Does anyone else suffer from excessive sweating when they're anxious? (I know it's a common side-effect) Any tips on how to keep fresh/not look like you've just been rained upon?

Thanks all. :)

14-06-12, 20:48
not much advice i'm afraid - i have the same problem. i always wear natural fabrics and lots of layers as i know if i get stressed they're going to be shed pretty soon. i keep thinking i should carry a fan like the ladies in period dramas :D mitchum deodorant is really good for anxiety sweating too.

16-06-12, 02:47
Not tried Mitchum Losin, ta for the rec!

It does sound lovely and fanciful to be wandering around with a hand fan. "For shame Mr Darcy, I have a fan and I'm not afraid to flutter it in a dramatic style!"

16-06-12, 05:55
Not me ,just have to sweat it out, which I do .:lac: