View Full Version : really sore throat feels like closing up scratched it on chip

08-06-12, 21:15
Hi there my throat is really sore when I swallow I scratched it when I swallowed a hard chip from the chippy and I am really worried it is going to close up because of the injury can this happen? Has anyone else scratched their throat on a chip?

08-06-12, 21:20
the body is amazing at repearing it self you wont have caused any harm
might feel a bit sore if it is a scratch and your thinking about it to x

08-06-12, 22:21
Hi, have you tried gargling with a little salt and warm water? It's antiseptic and will help your throat heal, just spit it out after gargling. Your throat won't close over, the swollen area is restricted to the injury, not your whole throat. Please try not to worry.

09-06-12, 16:43
Your throat cannot close up from this- I'm not even sure it can close up at all. I think you probably have a small scratch or cut. Drink plenty of cold water to sooth it and maybe take a painkiller if it hurts. Hope it feels better soon. :)