View Full Version : Can anyone relate?

08-06-12, 21:54

I dont want medical advice just wanted to know if anyone else has had these feeling before.
Ok so for the last couple of weeks I have felt nauseous quite nearly everyday, no matter what I do its just there, I also have pains in one side of my neck and head, near my temple, my neck feels full if you know what I mean and stiff and right above my neck on my head it hurts and aches. I keep having vibrating/rumbling feelings/sounds in my head and I keep feeling dizzy.

Also, now this is my one obsessive thought recently, I cant seem to help it even though I know it wont happen. I keep feeling like my body will stop working, not that I will die but that my arms and legs will stop working and go stiff and I wont be able to move. I dont know wether it is related but my younger cousin is paralysed completely from the neck down, she hit her arm and it caused her body to go in to shock and she became paralysed, I have known about it for years but Ive never attached it to myself really, if you know what I mean so I cant be sure. It may be in my subconcious and I cant get over it. There more I worry about it the more I tense up and it makes me feel worse. I am fine during the day but at night its terrible sometimes.

Sorry to list all my ailments, I just wanted to know if this sounds like regular HA/panic attack/anxiety symptoms? Or if anyone can relate.

Thank you,
Hannah x x

09-06-12, 17:44
I get all kinds of weird symptoms, including the ones you've listed. I also get really horrible obsessive thoughts, like that my heart will stop beating or I will stop breathing. But I'm still here! Just remind yourself that you've had the thought before and it hasn't happened, so it's just an irrational thought.