View Full Version : Stomach discomfort not Acid Reflux???

09-06-12, 08:16

My husband has been suffering from disrupted sleep for over a year now, when he goes to bed he gets an uncomfortable feeling in his stomach just below the breastbone. However he does not get acid reflux more a sensation of wanting to burp but not being able to. He has been to the doctors and has had an endoscopy. The endoscopy showed two small patches of Barretts Oesophagus which the consultant was not concerned about. The doctor has put him on omeprazole. This originally started about two to three years ago and then subsided but came back about twelve months ago. The doctor doesnt seem to listen when my husband says he has no acid reflux. We have tried all sorts of things like him not eating for three hours before bed, raising the bed, a tens machine, ginger charcoal - no effect. Has anyone else suffered from this and has anyone got a remedy please

09-06-12, 16:28
I may be wrong, but I believe that acid reflux doesn't always cause what we think of as 'typical' symtoms. I think it's quite normal to have just the pain, which is often just as you describe - feeling like you need to burp.

Has your husband been taking the omeprazole? And if so, for how long? If it's not making any difference he needs to go back to the doc and INSIST they consider that it may be something else.

I do suffer similar symptoms myself, and have been putting it down to acid (no actual reflux into my mouth or throat, just the pain/discomfort where you describe). I don't know if this will help, it sounds like your husband has already tried many things, I generally try rennie or motilium (over the counter, for indigestion, stomach discomfort and nausea), and I will try to eat something.

Again, if antacid medication etc isn't making any difference he really needs to go back to the GP, he shouldn't have to put up with feeling this way.