View Full Version : delay in pills taking effect

09-06-12, 10:11
Has anyone else experienced a delay in the pills seeming to take effect or is this just the way the brain works?
I take my 40g tablet first thing in the morning and then prepare myself for a day of feeling crap and 'the chatterbox' constantly running in my head .It is not normally till late afternoon that a sense of calm and being able cope finally makes an appearance. I set myself tasks, gardening, house repairs ,shopping etc but all the while I am fighting to keep the tears and just wanting to curl up in a ball at bay. Will the bad bits get shorter than the good bits in time?
skinny pete

09-06-12, 14:51
If it's ssri's, the usual kind of anti depressants, it can take a couple of weeks before they start working properly.

Hopefully you'll find your mood will improve once you've been on them for a while.

09-06-12, 17:03
Hey there, how long have you been taking citralopram for?

09-06-12, 18:00
10 days now at 40g strength.Was on cirpalex for 2 and a half months.
today has been what i would call an even day

09-06-12, 19:17
stick at it im on day 13 only on 10mg and my mood has improved