View Full Version : Exercise

09-06-12, 10:23
I don't know if anyone else finds it difficult to get fit or exercise. I get so paranoid and scared. After running for 5 mins my vision felt weird and I felt out of breath and I am so terrified to even push myself and I worry somethings wrong with me (which I hope there isnt) but I also wonder if its linking to my anxiety as I fear fainting and getting out of breath. I also fear getting unwell from exercising (I have Emetophobia the fear of being sick) so I fear over-exertion and I don't know if this is why I experience feeling out of breath and my vision seemingly going weird. Can anyone relate? And how do I get fit as I'd love to get fit without terrifying myself????? It does bring me down as I can't even do 5 minutes of 10 minutes of running. And I just want to look after myself and I think I'd feel more confident if I felt fit and happy.

09-06-12, 10:33
Try walking first, and building up to running. If you haven't been running before then jumping straight in will be a hard effort for your body to deal with. Try looking through the links on Beginners on the Runners World website which will help you get started, and help to reassure you that what your body is going through and feeling is totally natural.

Running can be some of the best treatment for anxiety and help you on your way to a happy, healthy future :)

09-06-12, 10:48
Try something slow, like yoga or Thai chi.

09-06-12, 12:36
I am gradually building up an exercise regime. Not only does it strengthen my back but it helps me control my breathing. Even subconsciously I hyperventilate so exercising (especially yoga) helps me control that.

I highly recommend gentle yoga poses, like the tree, lotus, palm tree etc. They aren't physically challenging but help people to control their breathing before they endure the more difficult poses.

09-06-12, 12:38
I can understand the problems you are having with exercise.
When you run you get a rush of adrenaline and your heart rate increases and your breathing is faster, obviously!
This is probably causing your anxiety, I was getting the same symptoms when going to the gym, I now have an exercise bike at home, but I do not overdue it, I also walk my dogs, nearly every day.
Perhaps you could try power walking or jogging and stop every now and then to get your heart rate back to a normal pace.
I think these symptoms are normal for an anxiety sufferer!

09-06-12, 15:15
When I started having panic attacks, I got awful feelings when I was at the gym, especially while running. Heart palpitations, feeling like I would faint, blurry vision, everything. Ever since I got my heart test results back as normal, I have hardly felt those feelings anymore, so it must have been linked to my anxiety.

Just keep going, build up your exercise slowly like others have said. I run and do pilates and yoga, so I have a balance of cardio, muscle strengthening and relaxation.

09-06-12, 16:45
Thank you for the replies :-)

I was thinking of starting yoga so I may look further into this as I'd get the classes with my membership to the gym which may I add I've barely used so far!!!

I will try my best, the blurry vision etc. sounds like myself hopefully its anxiety and I'll be able to calm myself down and get fit soon!xx

10-06-12, 22:57

I was told by my doctor not to do any high intensity aerobic exercise as it can bring on anxiety. I now walk for 40 mins everyday. I walk reasonable fast and I have been told it is better for my health slow and long.


11-06-12, 03:01
Hey there.

I have been in karate for 20 years on and off. When I am really low mentally I stop training and that in itself makes me sad. Basically because I know I'm good at it and it's great for a work out. I was out of karate for more than 12 months recently, I put on loads of weight and became very depressed. I missed karate so much and my friends there and the kids I used to teach. When I started dieting I wasn't loosing much weight and I knew the key was to go back.
I was so scared, so nervous and anxious about returning that it made me sick with worry. I don't know why, maybe it was because I wouldn't be welcomed back or that I would freeze and forget everything and make a fool of myself. After a few weeks with encouragement and support from my friends and family I finally went back, and it was the best thing ever...I have to tell you, I know what your saying...I thought I was going to keel over and die, honestly it was a killer! My legs and arms and back were aching and my legs were wobbly. My head was pulsating and bright red and my eyes felt weird, my breathing was also erratic.
It didn't stop me though, I have been going twice a week since then and last week I lost 7lb. The reward was amazing. I feel better and healthier.
Exercise is a great stress buster (especially karate because you can fight people in a controlled environment):D
As people say try something less demanding to begin with, like walking, cycling on flat roads, or swimming is great too. Do it all at your own pace and your stamina will soon start to increase, your body will let you know when you can do more. Good luck xxx

11-06-12, 05:26
I've been battling this this weekend!!! Went for a couple of bike rides and yeah got really panicked and breathless etc.... They say we don't like this feeling as it resembles a panic episode like the physical attributes etc....

They say to just keep on keeping on but it is hard, you must also give yourself credit for doing it also no matter how little you think you are doing.


13-06-12, 09:24
Thanks for the replies :-)

I was thinking about trying to walk and I am going to consider giving yoga a try but I keep freaking about going. I thoroughly enjoy climbing but freaking out when I go has stopped me going in a week or two but I'd love to start going again as I do enjoy it. I feel embarrassed though if people I know see me go into the leisure centre and come out 15-20 minutes later because they'll know I only did it for a short time but if I didn't have the fear of being embarrassed I'd happily go into the gym for a minute, swimming for 10 and climbing for 10 but because everyone else goes into the centre and stays for hours I feel totally embarrassed to do very short periods of time. I have a membership so all my classes and all the facilities are free including climbing etc. well not free but come with my membership. I joined because I was climbing and now haven't been in weeks as when I go I have a panic attack now *doh* I was enjoying it so much too and it's costing me £20 a month I am not sure how to get back into it and I do have a knack for climbing and wish I could just focus on it and enjoy it more but as per anxiety gets in the way. There is a yoga class on today at 11am I would love to join I have wanted to do something like that for ages but keep being unable to find the courage to go because of my anxiety worrying I will freak out and want to go home and I will be trapped. I have also been wanting to do do a boxing class they have there called boxercise where you do boxing techniques in the form of an exercise therefore it is so frustrating feeling like I do and anxiety stopping me like it does as I am sure I would enjoy all these things if i wasn't so afraid and i really want to be an active person.

shotokansho- I am so glad you resumed karate and didn't let fear take over you!! Well done :-) Sounds fun, I've always wanted to do boxing type thing I just wish this anxiety wouldn't take over me the way it does!! I want to be fit and healthy so bad.

ewood79- Thank you for your input so sorry that you felt as you did this weekend. I guess it makes sense as it's quite an adrenaline rush isn't it. So it isn't bizarre we get panicky. I am also told to stick it out but as you said it is hard, you're right but hopefully I will be able to stick it out.