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View Full Version : Lump above ear and lump back of head. (Repost)

09-06-12, 15:01
I've got this lump in the back of my head, its about the size of 1/4 of a marble and ive had it since november. i told my science teacher (Shes A Biolodgy and Chem Teacher) and she said its nothing, hasnt grew or nothing. Is this ok?

But I was rubbing my head a few days ago and found a little lump like 5 cm north west of my ear, on both sides there symertircal? (SP) i ONLY get get headaces when i have long hair or slept in a wired position? but im really scared as im 14 almost 15, can someone tell me something please?

And I've been skinny all my life and like i said only get headaches with long hair?
and to tell the truth i got eat for britain haha! but i no this is abit disgusting but could it be i dont wash everyday? some times i dont go in a bath/shower for 4 days? could this be the problem? thanks x

09-06-12, 16:41
It could have been there all your life and you just haven't noticed until now. I have all sorts of bumps in the back of my head- so does everyone else- it's just the shape of the skull. If it feels particularly large and swollen it could be a swollen lymph node which can swell at anything really- mainly infection, but sometimes even stress. Sometimes if a pimple gets infected that could cause it too. It's best to see your GP however, just to confirm it's not serious, which it probably isn't. But always best to get checked. :)

09-06-12, 19:00
Sophie how long you had yours for, mine scare me sometimes, my mam said there swallon glands though she works in a Pharmacist but like you said they could of been there my hole life, where abouts are yours ?x

10-06-12, 13:25
Everyones skulls are funny shapes - if you look at guys with shaved heads they often have lumpy skulls. It could just be the shape of your head - feeling my head now I can feel hard lumps above my ear and at the back of my head, they are really hard so I know it must be my skull.

You can also get harmless cysts and spots on your head too, but if the lumps are symmetrical then chances are it's just your skull.

11-06-12, 10:43
I have 'lumps' behind my ears too, about half way up. One side is slightly bigger than the other. Ifirst noticed them a few years ago, and they havent changed so Im thinking thats a good sign. I asked my doc about them once and she said they were likely to be swollen glands, and that some people's glands are swollen all the time.... Not sure about that, but in any case I'd say the lumps are probs nothing, given that yours sound very similar to mine and Im pretty sure mine have never changed. Im sure sinister lumps grow. Anothe theory of mine is that they could be piece of cartilage that were feeling.