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View Full Version : You can do it....

09-06-12, 17:34
Hi people,

Its been a while since ive been on here.

Thought i would give you an update after being almost housebound with anxiety. Taking a million drugs that didnt work.

I paid for CBT, which was my last hope and it worked for me.

I can now say after 2 years im back to my old self and im now working in a very high profile position which involves daily presentations and looking after a large team of people and im doing everything i used to do if not more and all medication free. I thought it would never happen but i assure you it can.

Im not saying that i dont have my bad days/weeks its just how you cope with it, but i refuse to allow it to be the forefront of my life like it used to be.

I hope this gives some of you hope that there is light and the end of the tunnel and you can do it. :hugs:

much love

Carter x

09-06-12, 17:47
Well done! If 1 person can do it , we all can :)
Thanks for sharing your experience & good luck

10-06-12, 08:44
well done!

Hellington Boots
10-06-12, 21:01
Fantastic, well done! Can I ask how long you were having CBT for?


21-06-12, 22:47
I had 12 sessions they worked really well for me as well as regular exercise :)

22-06-12, 00:16
That is great news :D

22-06-12, 02:11
Always good to hear of people getting back on their feet.:)

22-06-12, 23:35
thanks guys..........we all can do it :)

22-06-12, 23:52
That's absolutely amazing! Congratulations and lots of luck for the future :)

blue October
22-06-12, 23:58
Gonna wake up strong, yeah we're all gonna wake up strong :)

Veronica H
23-06-12, 14:33
:yesyes::bighug1:fantastic news. xV

25-06-12, 21:29
Thnx for this and really nice to hear your doing good :) everyone can get better i believe