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10-06-12, 00:14
Hi people

New to this website. Hoping to read that I am not alone.

For years I have suffered with Anxiety and Shyness. Not as prevalent in the past but I would say steadily from my Teenage years upwards I developed the Anxiety and weird habits. I was a pretty normal happy teenager up until a certain point. Then I started having a lot of anxiety and worries. My main habit I guess would be that I carry a drink everywhere with me, Have done since a teenager I absolutely will not go anywhere without one...It made me feel more relaxed knowing if I got nervous and felt sick I could take a sip of water. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to help much as recently my anxiety and feeling of being sick is constant and even affects me when I am sat at home doing nothing.... I am 28 now and it has gone on for so many years and restricted my life bad, I don't even work right now. I had a brief good spell last year working until anxiety struck me down again and whilst I managed to see out my contract by doing half days I couldn't even bring myself to sign on and get a new job at the time through having a panic attack and almost throwing up in the Job Centre.

I decided to speak to the Dr last February and I felt like a major idiot trying to explain. He gave me some Propranolol 80mg slow release tablets and told me to come back in 2 weeks. Well I took 1 tablet and found it extremely hard to breathe and having then read on the box not to take if you have Asthma I was disappointed my Dr didn't point that out before giving them to me.... I never went back to see him which I know is my own problem.

I guess it is tough suffering in silence when nobody really understands the mental torture of whatever it is I am going through.

Does anyone have similar symptoms with being on edge and feeling like throwing up constantly?

10-06-12, 00:27

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

10-06-12, 01:29
Hello sorry I am long in replying , it takes a while for people to comment on here. I have had anxiety a while to but I have also learned a lot about it. I do know that when you are anxious [fearful] it will rule your life as you know. If you are scared it will affect something good happening in your life it will. Hence your job. It won and has you pinned down. So what if you throw up. Or are scared. I would rather feel this way working than sitting at home. If you can just let the attacks go through you and talk yourself through the fear it will lose its impact and will fade away. If it comes back you use the same technique to beat it again. They are finding out so much more information about anxiety and depression and better safer ways to treat them so read up on what your suffer from . Knowledge is power. On the left hand sidebar on here they have great information and support techniques that you can use to help you through your attacks. It is wonderful. I carry on a CD and my I-POD someone talking about getting through attacks [HOW TO] I do not use it anymore but it helped me through some pre- attacks. So lots of help just look and never give up.:)

Veronica H
10-06-12, 19:41
:welcome:to NMP. Glad that you have found us. Vx

11-06-12, 08:37
Hi there and :welcome:

Sorry you've had a bad experience with your doctor - most are very supportive and helpful. My advice would be to go back and explain your situation again. There are lots of things that could help and self-medicating with alcohol is never a good idea, as you know.

Let is know how you get on.

Take care

Pip x