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12-07-06, 16:45
Why do I feel worse in a morning when I get up than at night. I always feel as if I haven't been to bed?

12-07-06, 17:48
I know the feeling! I think my brain worries while I sleep and I have woken up sometimes feeling more drained than when I went to bed.

generally I find mornings the hardest time of the day cos thats when the anxiety is at its worst. Still learning to cope with that one!

12-07-06, 18:03
Hi Sherlock, it is quite common to feel worse in the morning. If you read Claire weeks book Self help for Your Nerves she calls it that dreaded morning feeling! Maybe it is due to lack of sleep, or anxious dreams, or the 'shock' of waking. She suggests getting up and not dwelling on negative thoughts lying in bed but doing something to distract.

Take care

'This too will pass'

12-07-06, 18:11
Daisybun, I've just been on amazon now and bought that book on your advice. I hope it helps :D

12-07-06, 19:11
i dont kno hun, it might just be bacause our brains r over worked so they are always tired even when we've been asleep. or cos we're worrying if its gonna be a good day or a bad day. just a guess. hope ur ok xxx.

13-07-06, 14:25
Well.... my wife was a psychiatric nurse for over a decade (she must have been nuts to marry me!) and she was the first to tell me that mornings are generally worse for people suffering from depression and/or anxiety... I think it's just how it is... I know my nerves are as jangly as hell before 10am.... I'm self employed, and I NEVER have any contact with customers until the afternoon if I can help it. Steve.

To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!

13-07-06, 23:35
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Daisybun, I've just been on amazon now and bought that book on your advice. I hope it helps :D

<div align="right">Originally posted by mad_hatter - 12 July 2006 : 11:11:22</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">


Great job picking up the book. For me, the book did more for me than any medication could. I tackled things very quickly. Had anxiety problems/panic attacks for 2 weeks...took medication for 4 days...read Claire Weekes book...and have been good ever since. What I'm dealing with now is desensitizing my nerves, which you will read about. Basically, when you hit your arm against something and bruise it, it will hurt for a while; however over time it will feel better. Our nerves work the same way. Over time your nerves start to forget what you went through and even if you try to make yourself anxious or panicky you won't have a blip because you will be desensitized. Well, you'll see.

PM me if you want to discuss the book at all.


“If you think growing up is tough, then you're just not grown up enough.” - Steven Page, Barenaked Ladies

14-07-06, 22:29
Yeah alot of times ill feel better or awake really late at night like 1 in the morning.. ill go to sleep and wake up and feel dizzy drained and horrible.

Its funny cause i thought i slept ok tonite but just remembered a bad dream i had.. That i was shaking uncontrollably. I think when you sleep, your mind is releasing alot of nerve impulses. U even dream of things that arent even on your mind but way back in your brain. I would imagine anxiety sufferers think about their symptoms and anxiety alot. this will definitely come out in the sleep/dreams. Maybe you dont even remember it when you wake up, but I think its possible we have panic attacks all night and dont know it

17-07-06, 12:57
I wake up in a morning and it feels like every cell in my body is vibrating at a really high speed. I just feel so tense and achy. My body is as stiff as a board. What happened to comfy lie-ins?

I used to be really bad at night too, but that has calmed down quite a lot recently.

I'm taking vitamin b, having a jacuzzi and swim every morning (which is good because I have to shower every morning and look after my appearance a bit more too) and I'm trying to talk myself into doing Yoga.

Ships in harbour are safe..but that's not what ships were built for.