View Full Version : have i done the right thing

10-06-12, 13:10
hi ive booked a hoilday to spain in july for 9 nights all by my self but i suffer with anxiety and i am wondering if ive done the right thing:lac:what if i panic while am there.

10-06-12, 14:05
Hello Spuder,

I think deep down you know you've done the right thing ;). If you panic whilst over there, it won't be any different than when you panic anywhere else. Even though the anxiety and the panic are really unpleasant feelings, they do die down after a while and your worst fears are never realised so what I say is go out there and enjoy the sunshine!


10-06-12, 15:02
thanks claire am sooo looking forward to it thanks for replying

10-06-12, 16:44
u be fine do it i went to minehead for 3days last weekend my anxiety was really bad but i did it just got to try and face your fear and beat this have a good time in spain :)

10-06-12, 19:07
I have just come home from France Backpacking with a friend and although 3 days out of the seven I had panic attacks, I still had a fantastic time. It was 33c all the time we were there and I saw some wonderful Towns and countryside.

The brake will do you good and if you do panic, go for a long walk until you calm down, that is what I did and it worked.

I know that it is the same old routine that keeps my perpetual anxiety going. New place, new faces, busy mind, you will do great.

All the best:D

10-06-12, 20:35
hi there
I went to Turkey last month with three friends and before I went I was really anxious about it as I have been suffering since December, well I had a lovely week with no anxiety at all either during the holiday and the flight. Go for it you might be pleasantly surprised.

10-06-12, 22:41
Good for you. It sounds like a great idea. Have a lovely relaxing time doing exactly what you want to do.

Take care

Pip x

10-06-12, 22:52
Good for you! xx

Enjoy, you'll have a great time xx

12-06-12, 12:48
thanks all but i might cancell and if i go for a walk i might not know my way bk to hotel

12-06-12, 14:00
I think it's a wonderful idea, like others have said, you can panic just as well here as there, and there will be sun there, you never know you might actually enjoy yourself.
I went to glasgow (exotic i know) last weekend for a family wedding i was petrified about going and meeting my boyfriends family and being away from my safety zone, and in a hotel room just me my boyfriend and his 10 year old son, i had to take an anxiety pill for the journey but after that i was so calm, had a dodgy time on the Fri but other than that it was wonderful to be away, I think you will enjoy the break and the sun and you'll wonder what you were worried about.

Honestly please dont cancel you deserve a break and be honest what's the worst that can happen.

12-06-12, 15:52
thanks for replying i dont cope well on my own

12-06-12, 15:57
You might be like Shirley valentine and meet a sexy fisherman, That would take your mind off your anxiety!!!!!

lov joy

12-06-12, 18:19
thanks joy i hope so lol but i doubt it who would look at me am fat ugly