View Full Version : brain tumour worries

adam stone
10-06-12, 15:14
Hi if u have read my other posts so I won't bore u with it on this one for five months now I've been getting head aches every day not constant but I get them every day some times worse than others some times I wake with them some times I don't I've been to docs they its down to anxiety and stress wich is bulshit I no this and these r reasons it hurts when I bend down and stuff r squeeze to go to loo and now when I lay down on my belly and my head on pillow if I move my head to other side it also hurts the same pain I get when I bend down its in middle a my head plz some one talk to me and I also have days where I'm off balance

10-06-12, 16:21
i have this same worry too as i get pains in my head but mines at the back i havent been to the doctors about mine yet but will do soon probely doc will say the same to me its just anxiety stress related but if u really worried hun i ask for a scan :hugs:

adam stone
10-06-12, 16:25
Its horible isn't it how longs u had it for and threw day most a time I can feel pain in middle a my head and I've had an mri scan but cos of my anxiety I didn't manage to stay in long enough but have got another on booked for 25th a june x

10-06-12, 16:37
yes it is ive been having this pain since december sometimes i feel like my head going to explode glad u got another scan booked least it will put your mind at rest if there is anythink wrong or not the pain in my head yesterday was really bad one of the days it got so bad i was going to ask my sister to call an ambulance but then 5 to 10 min it calmed but there was still a fade pain tho lol x

adam stone
10-06-12, 17:03
I no its shit so do u feel it threw day then most a day and stuff I just don't no how doc can say its anxiety n stress not every day no way x

10-06-12, 17:34
ive been feeling it everyday but it is abit calmer today tho thank god x

11-06-12, 03:11
It drives me mad sometimes when you go to the doctors and because they know you or your history they say 'it's anxiety'. It makes me not want to go to the doctors and I have to take my CPN with me.
Anyway rant over lol. I also suffer with quite bad headaches, I get them everyday but they are not consistent to a certain time. It mainly effects me at the sides of my head and around my eyes. I know mine is due to tiredness and stress, as I suffer from insomnia quite badly (hence me sitting here at 3.10am browsing the site) lol. This in turn makes me irritated and stressed during the day.
If you have another scan due why not ask your gp for something to relax you before the event, that way you can have it done properly and get the result you deserve and need. xx

adam stone
11-06-12, 11:34
Hi and I no wat u mean when I first saw my doctor about the head aches he looked concerned then when he looked at my history was like anxiety really pisses me odd every time I go to docs wat evers wrong with me he says anxiety and I have a phobia of taking tablets incase they freak me out and make me feel funny wich sets my panic attacs and anxiety of even more I am on citalipram ten mg tho and been on them five weeks he also gave me diazepan 5mg but I've only ever taken 1 and a half on the days I thought I was dying and couldn't take it

11-06-12, 19:26
Hi guys - I know it's hard to believe but it really is anxiety causing the headaches. I've just come out of a 3 month period of having headaches every single day and it's been a living nightmare. I've gone through phases of thinking I had a tumour, anuerysms and at times thought I was having a stroke because my right side would feel odd! The more I stressed about it the worse it got and I found myself in a vicious circle. Numerous doctor appointments found nothing (haven't had an MRI but passed all physical neuro tests they make you do). I also used to think I was being fobbed off because how could I feel so crappy without there being something wrong :wacko:!! I decided I was done with doctor appointments and decided to just 'get on with it'! One day I woke up and I was headache free for that whole day. It did come back but my headache days got less and less. I told myself that tumours don't present themselves in that way - symptoms do not come and go. Another thing I've learned to do is chill out and relax more. I never believed in all that relaxation/hypnosis crap but I started listening to it a few weeks ago when I went to bed and I couldn't be without it now. Good luck with your MRI Adam - I'm certain they won't find anything though. xx

adam stone
11-06-12, 19:53
Thanks for that I just hope it is all down to anxiety and stress its just so hard to believe its that even tho I've suffered wi anxiety since 18 and I'm now 28 I managed to control the anxiety to a level of being able to function and have some sort of life but after a month in to head aches the anxiety hit me hard I've tried beleiving its anxiety but certain things like head pains when bending and moving my head on pillow it just don't add up I am really scared and I've noticed I'm off balance a bit as well I need this scan so much so I can put to bed the fears r face wat I think it is I'm really scared bout it and can't see it been owt else xx

macc noodle
11-06-12, 19:57
all the symptoms you describe can be attributed to extreme anxiety and whilst I know that this is of no comfort to you right now, I am pretty sure that this is what the docs will confirm once you have had your scan.

When you are hyper vigilant about your aches and pains it almost induces them and you then become over anxious and the whole cycle starts all over again.

Once you have your MRI hopefully you will have some good news and you can then deal with the physical sensations you are experiencing without fearing imminent bad news because of them.

Have you asked your doc for diazepam to take on the day of the scan to relax you?

good luck
Macc Noodle

11-06-12, 20:02
Yep - I had the same. Bouts of dizziness, feeling off balance. My head would feel like it was going to explode at times and when I moved my head on my pillow at night it was painful. Had alot of neck issues too. I was scared beyond belief and how I got through it I don't know but I did and you will. Macc is right - the mind is very powerful and make you believe anything. This is turn will heighten anxiety and any physical symptoms.

adam stone
11-06-12, 20:08
I hope ur right its just been going on for so long and my anxiety is bad at the min I'm house bound so not good at all the docs did give me diazepan 5mg for when I can't cope but cos I have a tablet phobie I've only managded to take them twice I am on citalipram ten mg and I'm five weeks in thought the anxiety was easing but I was wrong I will be the most happy man alive if I manage the scan and there clear I really would x

11-06-12, 21:22
I was on diazepan 5mg for a week or so just to help me sleep but I didn't want to rely on medication for too long so stopped it. Anxiety sucks and for me it was sudden although I'm sure it was probably lurking for years. A few stressful things happened over a quick period of time and I just went into meltdown. It's a scary, frustrating place! Expect to be the happiest man alive because I'm certain your scan will be clear. Try to chill out and do something you enjoy doing - see how much you notice your headache then!

12-06-12, 12:02
Your headache is caused by tension. The proposed scan is for reassurance purposes only.

Are the muscles around your neck really stiff?

That is a natural fight/flight response.

adam stone
12-06-12, 17:09
No they don't feel tight r stiff at all and tension head aches every day for five months not even aday of?

12-06-12, 19:25
Hi, I am sure it is anxiety. I have been through all off this, constant headache for over 3 months....many visits to the doctor etc. mine was down to tension in the neck, which I found hard to believe at the time. I went to see and osteopath and after about 4 sessions they have gone. Worth a try maybe.

adam stone
12-06-12, 19:28
Any thing is worth a try it gets me so down and u can't help but think bad things that it could be

12-06-12, 22:15
I just wanted to write to try and put ur mind at rest, i was exacly the same as you, i used to have a headache every single day i used to feel like i was living my life in a fog and felt like i wasnt really here i was horrible. I couldnt move my head without some awful pains shooting through it so know exactly how you feel. I went to the doctors a few times as i had the same worry that i had a brain tumour, i actually convinced myself that i had a brain tumour and was going to die and would never see my kids grow up. Anyway docs kept fobbing me of with anxiety and depression which i to found really hard to believe. I finally saw a new doc who actually listened to me and i asked for a CT scan. I went for the scan ready for the worst outcome but was told everything is fine. Since i have had the all clear my headaches magically dissapeared. iTS like once ur mind has been put at rest the tension lifts and ur cured. Im sure this will be the same for you alsoand il keep my fingers crossed for you but i now really believe as silly as it sound to us that anxiety really does cause all these strange symptoms and once we can learn to overcome the anxiety the symptoms seem to ease up a bit. Try to think positive :yesyes:
All the best :)

adam stone
12-06-12, 22:23
Thanks for that I feel alone with it and spent hours googling it to find nothing I just hope it does come back clear I'm waisting my life been housebound and I'm not able to take my kids any where and it kills me so much fingers crossed eh and if its clear I will have the power to beat anxiety for sure

12-06-12, 23:05
I worry every single day about having a brain tumour. I feel dizzy and lightheaded all day, I have floaters in my left eye, I get headaches, etc. I feel too stupid to ask my GP for a scan though because he'll probably say no, it's just anxiety. And I know it's most likely not a tumour, but what if it is?! I hate having to deal with all of these symptoms daily and not knowing if there's a physical cause.

adam stone
13-06-12, 12:46
I totally understand how u feel I've convinced my self it is cos I can't see it been owt else it hurts my head when I move and I feel so horible and like its not me and stuff wich I no that feeling could be anxiety but the head aches and pains r some thing else

16-06-12, 10:27
Hi, how are feeling?

adam stone
16-06-12, 16:16
Rubish had 2 days where the head aches wasn't as bad and now there bad again its scaring me to max its got to be a tumour no way would I have head aches and pains every day for five month if not it moves round my head as well some times at frony middle and back

16-06-12, 18:08
Sorry to hear that, my headaches and light headiness is back too. Though I have not been to my osteopath in over two weeks :weep:

adam stone
17-06-12, 11:00
Its crap in it I woke up today with it around and above my forehead

adam stone
25-06-12, 12:39
Well I had my mri scan today and I was able to manage so just waiting for results nah fingers crossed

14-07-12, 12:33
Had your results yet Adam?