View Full Version : so weak and tired all the time getting worried

10-06-12, 19:53
hi everyone just after abit of advice really
i have suffered anxiety,ocd,panic attacks for about 15 years now and have had most of the symptoms at various points
the last 4 weeks however has been different
i seem to be tired all the time(its like a whole body/mind tiredness),i wake up tired usually have a nap late morning before work and it doesnt really make a difference
i have to admit i havent been sleeping great for the past few months and cant remember when i last slept through the night without waking up but lately everything is becoming a struggle
sometimes driving is difficult
i feel weak especially in my legs and knees
also seem to have a lot of sore joints
to tell the truth my anxiety for the last few weeks seems to have been much improved so i cant understand this constant tiredness
its really starting to freak me out
spoke to the doctor the other day and she ordered a blood workup but she said its probably a viral thing hmm