View Full Version : I cant go to work

11-06-12, 00:26
The thought of going to work terrifies me.

I’ve had this several times before, some days I’m fine and I go with no problem, but more days than not I just can’t go.
I work in a florist’s and have been a florist for years, I know the job like the back of my hand, but for some reason the thought of being in the shop all day by myself leaves me feeling physically ill.
My heart starts racing, I burn up, feel faint and light headed, feel sick and get a pain in my chest so bad that I often think I’m having a heart attack.
If I manage to get into work (with a lot of help from my parents) I seem to forget how to do the most simple task, I am a complete mess, customers come in and ask me things, I know I know, but I can’t string a sentence together. When the phone rings, my mouth gets so dry I can’t speak, I get breathless and I can hear my heart thumping in my head. I just want to lock the door, unplug the phone and hide.
I don’t know what to do any more, I just really feel I can’t go to work; I can’t face leaving the house. But if I call in sick (which is another struggle in its self) I feel so bad that I’ve let the boss down.
I Just really don’t know what to do I feel like I can’t cope anymore.

11-06-12, 00:45
It sounds like you are having a really awful time. Have you spoken to your GP about how you are feeling? You can't go on like this....I did it for weeks and ended up making myself so bad I ended up having 3 months off sick. I know you feel guilty about letting everyone down, but sometimes your body & mind have a way of telling you to stop. You have to think of your own wellbeing first sometimes. Take care & look after yourself. You may need some time out.

Kitti :hugs:

11-06-12, 01:39
Ive often felt like that at work and I work in a office 6 days a week I used to have your symptoms as well dry mouth wen phone ring sudden fast heart beats forgetting simple things to do in the office that I've been doing for years but I got over it in the end it was down to stress and anxiety and being exhausted so try relax and put your mind to rest your not alone

Terror :)

11-06-12, 02:50
Hope everything works out. I know the feelings are overwhelming and exhausting.:)

11-06-12, 10:45
I too feel the same. hate the thought of going to work everyday. I think i'm going to take a few weeks out as my HA around my eyes has gotten really really bad recently. Your health comes first I think, jobs com and go!