View Full Version : I'm having a panic attack right now !

11-06-12, 00:55
Omg I'm having a massive attack like right now , my hearts pounding & my stomach is in knots , ahh I don't know what to do I've tried watching a film & reading I can't concentrate on either. I am REALLY tired maybe that's brought it on , but i dont know how to sleep while im panicking!!?? I always feel anxious at around this time but tonight it's just turned into full blown panic , omg I feel like I'm dying my chest is really hurting me :scared15:

I'm so upset , I was having a really positive day & now this! Now I'm not gonna be able to sleep for ages then I'm gonna have to get up early again tomorrow & what if it is cause I'm tired & I make myself worse :weep: there's no way I can get around not getting up either.

Why is my chest hurting so much !???! My back is hurting too when I breathe in :| omg I'm really freaking myself out now , the thoughts rushing through my head are scaring the hell outa me.

Is anyone online please I need some help , tell me to ring an ambulance because a 4 hour wait in A&E to be told what I already know , which is that I'm having a panic attack , is going to make it worse!!!!!

I'm so disappointed in myself.

11-06-12, 01:10
OK......Try to calm down.....deep breaths.......I would saw call an ambulance ......is there anyone with you?.....Im here for a while if you need to chat....distracting yourself sometimes helps....I know how you are feeling.....get back to me asap.
Kara xxxx:hugs:

---------- Post added at 01:10 ---------- Previous post was at 01:00 ----------

are you ok????

11-06-12, 01:12
Thanku so much , my mom & dad are in the next room so they're there if anything serious did happen , I'm tryin 2 concentrate on breathing deep but it feels like there isn't enough air going into my lungs ..
I'm just madly typing away trying to distract myself but I feel pretty bad , it's literally just come on VERY suddenly & took me by surprise , taking little sips of water to try & help ... I don't know what else to try now I need to sleep , I'm sure this is through lack of sleep , the tiredness hit at the same time as the panic & was quite sudden , I've never been tired during a panic attack before its awful cause I just wanna go to sleep & so does my body but my mind won't let it happen instead it's making me feel like I'm dying :( sorry for rambling it keeps my hands busy typing so that's 1good thing .. Breathing is getting a little easier but ive started shaking now , this is so bad I haven't had an attack like this for a while
Thanku again so much for replying to me so quickly , breathing is slowly getting there but I can't stop the shaking & its worrying me because I don't usually shake , do u have any suggestions for me? I really don't wanna ring an ambulance :(

---------- Post added at 01:12 ---------- Previous post was at 01:11 ----------

:hugs: big hugs also to u I am so grateful x

11-06-12, 01:28
OK, IM not sure if you got my private mesage....think my laptop is playing up.....You wont die, ok......its hard to see that but you wont....your body is just looking after you, in a way......can you get yourself a cup of tea?....ramble all you like....thats no problem......Im here ok? xxxx

---------- Post added at 01:28 ---------- Previous post was at 01:25 ----------

Im still here.....are you on any medication? have you been drinking? let me know.....I dont know a lot but I know a bit only from my own experience.....please tell me you are ok....xxxxxxx

11-06-12, 01:38
I got ure pm & have just replied , ill post what i said on here aswel incase u didnt get my message

I am starting to calm down slowly now just breathing deeply & trying to relax all the parts of me that tense up when I panic , usually my jaw , my shoulders & my stomach.
Well I had just come to bed after a really good day , did a lot of things today I haven't been able to do in a while because of anxiety & was feeling really positive .. Took my evening meds (amitriptyline and cyclizine) which I take every night & was just browsing online looking for a film to watch (I usually fall asleep watching tv , I find it hard not to) & out of nowhere I got some sharp pains in my belly , like when ure worried or scared & it makes u go to the toilet (sorry i know tmi) but I didn't feel that I actually had to go , then my heart started pounding and felt like I was suffocating cause the air wouldn't fully go in to my body :/ then I was trying to calm myself , just switched tv on & tried rele hard to concentrate on it but I couldn't , then I tried reading some tips on anxiety (that usually help in anxious times) but I couldn't read more than a couple of words at a time before my mind going back to thinking about how scared I was , that's when I came on here & started madly typing a post , I didn't know wat else 2 so & this forum has been rele good for me the past week or so.
Anyway breathing is deffinately a lot better now , the pains have gone out of my back when I breathe (I'm sure I imagine all this when I'm panicking but at the time I really do feel pain , it was more like pressure & I was thinking omg my lungs are failing & all sorts even though now looking at it rashonally i know they weren't ..
I'm still shaking , like when you're really cold in the winter , but I'm quite hot , my face is bright red , I'm trying to stop but I don't know how to stop shaking :S

I'm pregnant aswel , so maybe the stomach ache caused me to panic even more ? I don't know.
Maybe I did too much all at once today & it's overwhelmed me subconsiously :( I feel like I'm trapped by this anxiety , although so glad the panic is calming down a little now.. & again very very thankful for the support xxxxxxxxx

11-06-12, 02:39
I hav to say that even through this terrible attack you kept rationalizing what was happening and why it could be happening.That is a big part of overcoming an attack is being able to normalize it as much as possible. I am so glad you were able to get help and talked your way down. An attack exhausts you so after affects are normal to have. I am sorry this happened ,I know it is terrifying but do not be disappointed in yourself and please do not blame yourself in any way., if we could stop them we would have a cure decades ago . The good in it is making it through them and knowing what may have triggered it. Way to go ,both of you. I am practicing this way of dealing with panic now. I had an attack last night. So scary . HUGS

11-06-12, 20:36
I am used to attacks as I have had so many in the past I am quite good at dealing with them , although I do think irrational thoughts , I keep trying to fight them & think of reasons it is happening , it helps when I can just tell someone what's happening because then I don't feel like its just me hearing how I'm trying to calm down & how I feel .. It helps to have someone calm who's also experienced panic themselves as its reassuring to remind myself it doesn't last forever & I will be calm again soon :) x

11-06-12, 22:24
I've found playing Tetris seems to help me :)
I played it on the bus when my anxiety got way too high n it really helped distract me .

It helps too when you remember all the other times you felt panic but you were ok in the end.

Hope you feel better soon :)

I'm having a rather anxious day myself

11-06-12, 22:25
Hi Lousicle, you just gotta remember that you'll have good days and bad days. Don't consider this a setback. The important thing to remember is you can look back and say, "Wow, I got through that!" :D

11-06-12, 23:28
Thanks for all the support everyone .. It's this pattern of high anxiety at night time , once I'm asleep I'm fine & wont keep waking up or anything , it's just getting to that calm enough (or tired enough) stage so I can sleep.
It's strange because usually my amitriptyline (which has always been took at night) would cause me to feel sleepy & calm so I would fall asleep easily ..
Every night for the past couple of weeks now I've felt higher anxiety & I just don't know why :/ there's nothing I'm thinking about in particular when it comes aswel.
Does anyone have any similar experiences where anxiety would be higher at a certain time?

I'm working very hard on fighting this anxiety as I've had it on & off for years & it can be so disabling.
I would go as far as to say it is worse than a lot of physical illnesses even because it's caused by thoughts & feelings , there is no medication that can change the way you think :/

Sorry for going on abit just a bit frustrated with it all.
Raging hormones aren't helping either :(

Thanks again guys for all the encouragement , if ever anyone ever needs someone to talk to im here to show support & encouragement :)

Julianna Leigh
21-11-13, 16:29
I feel your pain.
Today is my birthday =(
I got to work and was struck with nausea and a fever; two things that make me panic.
I'm so scared.