View Full Version : Exam today - so anxious - everything rests on this

11-06-12, 09:29
I have an exam that my whole career rests on today, if I fail to pass I won't get on th course...
I am so anxious I feel sick! Any tips? I am convinced I will fail.

11-06-12, 09:34
Being water if you can, maybe some lavender oil too?
Once you start your test the anxiety will drop as your distracted.
Breath slow, I'm sure you can take a bathroom break if you need it.
Good luck :) x you'll do fine!
I managed to pass all my mine n I was very anxious!
I found I went through everything very fast, then I calmed down n went back through all my answers n I had lots of time left over .

11-06-12, 11:04
Like Mishel says - once you start, you feel fine. You might feel a bit nervous as everyone is filing in but you can uses that adrenaline to do well.
Once you get going, your paper inevitably takes up your mind. Towards the end of the exam you always feel absolutely fine.
I reassured myself that I would take a toilet panic break i the middle, I never needed to.
You will be fine - everyones a brain box on NMP :)

11-06-12, 11:51
Keep calm, dont worry, keep your mind on the exam and not what if. I wish you well and your be fine.:yesyes: