View Full Version : Finished CBT feeling a bit rubbish

11-06-12, 13:46
Hi everyone first post on here! I've just finished cbt last week for GAD I e had 20 sessions and was feeling really positive but I've started feeling a bit rubbish now in a way I wish I could carry on going to cbt. I've made loads of progress in that I've been going out more and doing things but feel like I need cbt to reassure me if that makes sense?! I've felt good since finishing cbt but then went out for a meal and felt not necessarily anxious but really uncomfortable and ever since then I've been worried about coping without cbt. Is it normal to feel this way after finishing cbt?

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 09:58 ----------

P.s sorry if this post was a bit rambly!

11-06-12, 15:45
Sorry to hear your feeling bad, i dont know if this is normal or not im only just on the waiting list for my CBT i do hope this isn't normal it doesn't sound particularly helpful, can you not have further sessions if you speak to your Dr?
Hope things pick up for you.

11-06-12, 15:45
Maybe you could see a counsellor every week for a little while if u feel u still need some support , speak to your doctor about what is available.

11-06-12, 18:46
Thanks for the replies
Will see how I get on only finished a few days ago so hopefully it just a case of me readjusting to not having cbt rather than going through a bad patch again its always hard to tell with me. Anyone else have experiences of finishing a long spell of cbt?
Thanks again

11-06-12, 19:45
I had CBT for about 6 months , in the final session she said that she was pleased with my progress & that she didn't think I needed to be seen anymore , it scared me a little because I had fears of falling back down although I was a lot better.. It's kinda like a safety net to know you have that support , but don't worry if u start feeling bad again they will see u again.

11-06-12, 19:52
Thanks for the reply! A safety net is exactly what it feels like for me. Do you mind me asking you if you have needed any other support since finishing cbt?

11-06-12, 20:28
Not at that time no , I was having CBT alongside taking amitriptyline & diazepam(ONLY had them for emergencies)
I came off the amitriptyline shortly after CBT ended & only had 1 or 3 occasions in 2 years where I felt anxious but dealt with it & it didn't affect my life was very short lived.
Recently my panic and anxiety has returned , I'm back on amitriptyline and waiting to see a one to one specialist I have been referred to by a psychiatrist. This is because I am also pregnant now so I think maybe that has brought out the anxiety in me even more.

What I'm trying to say is once you have experienced anxiety , it can return.
That doesn't mean to say it necessarily will.
It's a lot of trial & error , finding how u cope personally , there isn't one magic cure for all.
But if you keep trying & believing in yourself even in the hard times u will come out the other side feeling stronger.

If anxiety "comes back" or starts to show again , nip it in the bud. & never ever blame yourself or think u have become weak because that is not the case.

Are u on meds or have been in the past?
How long have u had anxiety? & what kind of things start it?

11-06-12, 20:58
Ive "officially had anxiety since September 2011 but I've struggled with it since 2009 and couldn't face getting some help until it really started limiting me in doing things. I don't take any medication for anxiety but I do take amitriptaline for muscle spasms relating to my cerebal palsy. I want to come off this soon as its made me gain weight. For me my anxiety stems from the fear of being trapped somewhere like in a classroom or a cinema somewhere you can't escape easily. I think the anxiety was caused by some traumatic operations and stuff when I was younger. The thing I am struggling with though is whether or not to use this forum. During cbt I was discouraged from using things like google for anything relating to anxiety as it would tend to me more anxious. But it is nice to have some support.
Congratulations by the way

11-06-12, 21:39
Medication can be helpful , although sometimes do have side effects , maybe an SSRI anti depressant may be more helpful for u?
I don't recommend diazepam or a benzo if u would intend on using regularly , but they can be a big help when anxious , maybe if u got into or had one of those situations coming up where u couldn't escape as easily.
But if u feel u can cope without all the better.
My anxiety affected my school/college life as I had that feeling of not being able to escape quickly , but that stems from my phobia of being sick.

I also - way back when - used to get awful anxiety from reading about it & reading people's experiences , partially because almost every site had someone saying "I was so anxious I was sick 10 times in 1 hour" so obviously I was thinking omg what if I get that bad , but I have never physically been sick from anxiety although I've come close.

I came to realise that words on a website could not harm me , & sharing experiences with others on here has been a really big help , I was abit weary , but I figured that I may as well give it a try & I'm so glad I did.
Support is very helpful , & because it's over the Internet it's not in your face , if u don't want to speak or read anyone's posts for a couple of days don't log in , then log back in when u feel u need the help.
No one here will judge :)

Hope this has helped :hugs: