View Full Version : Feeling of dread -why?

Hellington Boots
11-06-12, 16:24
I keep getting that horrible stomach flip, feeling of dread type feeling inside?Does anyone know what causes is and what it means? Should I just ignore it and hope it will go away?



11-06-12, 16:49
i had quite a few of those last week there horrible i kept thinking i was about to die tho ive had it plenty of times before and nothing happened i think its called impending thoughts of doom just try to keep yourself busy and try to ignore them they will pass

Hellington Boots
11-06-12, 19:25
Thanks for sharing your experience! That's what I will try and do!


11-06-12, 23:51
I've had this for the last few days. Very frustrating! I hope it passes for you soon x

11-06-12, 23:58
I think it's just anxiety, I get this most mornings, usually passes....sometimes I can just 'go with it' and other times it can be really debilitating. Not nice though.

Take care, hope it passes.

Kitti :)

Hellington Boots
12-06-12, 11:45
Thanks everyone, I feel for us all! xxx