View Full Version : Panic Attacks and Fear

12-07-06, 18:45
Hey guys, I'm new on here. My name is Sezzi and I'm 20. I suffered with panic attacks a little while ago but they never got too bad. I was usually able to talk myself out of them or breathe my way through it.
A few weeks ago I had a terrible migraine and was violently sick. Because I vomited so violently, I tore a few of the vessels in my throat and threw up blood. Naturally I totally freaked out and my instant assumption was that I was dying. I called the out of hours doctor who assured me that it was perfectly ok and that I could go for a check up in the morning, where, sure enough, I was fine.
The problem is that the fear I had that night hasn't left me. I suffer from bad IBS and as a result feel very sick. Yesterday I had a terrible panic attack and couldn't breathe or focus. I am desparate to beat this and called the No Panic line and had a long chat with a lovely lady this afternoon. Does anyone have any good tips for countering negative thoughts? Thank you for taking the time to read my post. Sezzi xxx

12-07-06, 19:04
Hi Sezzi,
sorry to hear youre not well at the moment, but it will get better, continue with youre breathing techniques,it really does help, the negative thoughts are the worst i know but try and focus on a good feeling like an holiday or abirthday etc and run it through youre head like a slide show hope it helps


polly daydream
12-07-06, 19:31
Hi Sezzi and welcome to the forum. I have trouble with the negative thoughts, I think that is the worst thing. I agree with denise, try to focus on things that make you feel good and practice your breathing, I am also trying to train my mind to block the thoughts out, so when they try to come into my head I say bog off and switch off to them, it has worked a few times.

Good luck,


12-07-06, 21:22
hiya sezzi hunny x
welcome to the forum chick x
hope you find the help you looking 4 hun x