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rachael t
11-06-12, 18:26
Im worrying myself crazy ive been having a slightly swollen left leg goin 5 wk between periods and suffered wiv dishcharge down below my friend said the swollen leg shes heard it could be sign of cervical cancer .im up to date with smears am due nxt year does anyone else think it sounds like that to you . i did google shoulnt have i no pls if anyone can put my mind at rest either way

11-06-12, 18:59
Hi, I have heard this can be true but only in very advanced cervical cancer and if you had this you would be seriously ill by now!
Is going 5 weeks between periods normal for you? If not when did it change and have you spoke to your dr? It is more likely to be down to stress or contraception, if you had cervical cancer it would be more like very heavy periods and irregular bleeding ie bleeding between periods.
As for the discharge, that is perfectly normal as long as it is clear and not smelly. If there is any thing unusual about it then it is more likely to be down to a small infection of some kind, but nothing serious.
You are up to date with your smear tests which is great :) and if you are worried just have a little chat with your dr but you do not have symptoms of cervical cancer.

The swollen leg could be down to any thing. One of my legs is always slightly bigger then the other but I only noticed it a few years ago and obviously panicked straight away but its fine. xxx

rachael t
11-06-12, 19:49
Thanks thats wot im worried bout that it could.be on late stages . i normally go 4 wks betwrrn periods although neva bled in between . im tryin to talk myself into the fact im a hairdresser so on my feet often x

11-06-12, 23:35
Thanks thats wot im worried bout that it could.be on late stages . i normally go 4 wks betwrrn periods although neva bled in between . im tryin to talk myself into the fact im a hairdresser so on my feet often x

I would say its very unlikely to be cervical cancer indeed. Even when abnormalities on smear tests, it would take around 10 years untreated to develop into anything. The fact that youve had regular smear tests means there is no real reason for you to worry about cervical cancer. Besides, you have no accompanying symptoms. As the other person said, discharge is normal. Its present usually at differernt times of the month due to fluctuating hormones. If it is foul smelling then its worth checking out, but if it isnt, its normal.

The swelling in your thigh in which case is possibly muscular. Maybe as the other person said, its just larger than the other one. my left thigh is almost an inch wider than my right.

To jump from a swollen leg to cervical cancer, is too big a jump. The connection is unlikely.

Please do not google. google fuels health anxiety. if you are concerned see a doctor, but do not use google if it will cause you to jump to conclusions.

Im sure its something very simple and nothing scary at all. Wouldnt do any harm to see a doctor so he can reassure you enough to allow yourself some respite from the worry. Worst-case-scenario-world is hard to live in. x