View Full Version : had an accident

12-07-06, 19:18
[B)]hello, i had an accident at work on monday night and i've been feeling rough since then but as am recovering from anxiety/panic disorder think i've coped pretty well!!!

i was collecting cups and glasses to wash (cleaning an office 1 minute from my house), i put them on this shelf but when i picked them up a glass dropped and smashed.

split second thought was 'oh now i'm going to be here longer' while i clear it up, but felt something funny and looked down and blood was pumping out of my leg!!! that may be an exageration, but it was soaking through my trousers and squelching in my sandal, so that's pretty bad to me.

next i thought i need to get some-one to come and get me, but did'nt know how to get an outside line on the downstairs phones where in blind panic i had run to(cut leg up-stairs), then tried my mobile which just cut off - probably no credit as don't use that much so sometimes just run out without warning.

oh my god, now i did'nt know what to do, just decided to run home, but did'nt have my house keys!!! i have NEVER EVER gone out of my house without keys, but lately am feeling calmer and did'nt expect to be coming home early anyway. but mark and marcelle had said they were going to take the dogs out, so was now pooing pants that they would'nt be in!!!!!! aarrrrgggghh.

neighbours over the road were around but don't know them that well ,but do know they are both first-aiders so they may have helped me if mark had gone out.

he had'nt though thank god, so i went in and he started to clean me up and then marcelle atarted crying and i told her to ring her gran as mark is not really clued up on things like this except he said it was'nt bad enough to go to hospital. anyway blah blah i felt faint and i went into the other room, and then i was being woken up and did'nt know if all of that had actually just happened, i hate that feeling!!!

i felt ill untill 2am and at 10pm my foot started to bleed again and then i just could not stop checking it because i thought if i see it pumping with blood again i'll faint again and i don't want to have to gop anywhere to get it sorted.

anyway my chin, arm and lips are sore from where i fell and my foot is swollen and bruised, but i DID NOT panic in the true sense of the word, i was anxious but i di'nt get massive panic attacks like i would have done a while back, so i think i'm well on the road to recovery now.

thankyou if you take the time to read this whole post!!! lol


12-07-06, 21:26
Well done you! That sounds so frightening and you did everything that needed to be done to get sorted - hope the leg etc are better now - sounds like you're weel on the way to getting better.


12-07-06, 21:48
Hi Emmas
My god you did do well girl, especially as you stayed quite calm, hope your feeling better soon:D:D

Take Care[8D]

Denise x

12-07-06, 21:48
Hi Emmas
My god you did do well girl, especially as you stayed quite calm, hope your feeling better soon:D:D

Take Care[8D]

Denise x

12-07-06, 21:51
Oh Emma what a frigntening experience for you, well done on being so calm and handling it so well. It really does sound like you are on the road to recovery, good for you hunny.

Take care

'This too will pass'

13-07-06, 16:42
thankyou for replying


13-07-06, 16:43
Well done for not panicking. So sorry to hear about all that, sounds like you had a pretty awful day. Hope you are feeling better now mate.

x x

13-07-06, 17:06
Congrats on handling it so well!!

14-07-06, 08:37
thanks guys, feeling much better now and self-esteem is still intact! emmaxxxxx