View Full Version : Is anyone awake!!!!

12-06-12, 01:55
Is there anyone awake who wants to chat
feeling p----d off at moment with not sleeping

12-06-12, 02:51
Hey am up lol xx

12-06-12, 03:01
What keeps you awake at this time

12-06-12, 03:08
im up

12-06-12, 04:04
So am i and it drives mad, I just want to sleep

macc noodle
12-06-12, 06:26
Hi there,
I have noticed that u post the same question quite frequently and just wondered if you have tried any sleep inducing/relaxing techniques to try and overcome this?
It may be worthwhile trying not to come online when u wake up or cannot sleep as it most certainly keeps me alert and awake once I start on the computer
It may also help to have a bedtime routine like bath, read, milky drink etc
Apologies I'd u have tried all of this but I know how frustrating it is not to sleep.

12-06-12, 06:42
I am awake sadly. Tried it all just think my clock is off or something like that, Still working on it though.:)

blue moon
12-06-12, 07:00
I think I am awake,it is 4pm here,and windy.:)

12-06-12, 15:50
Hi macc,
Thanks for your advice:)
I have tried the hot drink, bath and not coming
online but I do drop off to sleep its just I make
anything up to 30 mins to 1 hour after and wake
with DP which scares the life out of me and I find
it helps if I come on here and try and find someone
to chat to and try and take my mind of off it, I do feel
a little embarrassed that I seem to ask the same question
I'm just do scared at the time and just don't know what to
do, I don't always come straight online, I go downstairs and
potter about or read, listen to relaxing music and try breathing
I had lots of trauma in my childhood and adult life that mostly always
happened in the early hours, so I think that had something to do with it
I am also seeing a counciller privately, and we are trying to work on the
sleep issues but it's so hard because I have to talk about childhood experiences
which is painful
The GP gave me some zoplicone 2 weeks worth but I'm to scared to take have this
awful fear of any meds I take triggering the DP/DR and panic off
I sit here now in tears because I just don't know what to do to help myself
Manda xx