View Full Version : Messed up exam, im a huge failure, now what?!

12-06-12, 06:43
Had an exam yday that my career choice rests on.
I've completely messed it up & know I didn't pass through nerves.
I don't really know what my options are now...I've already handed in my notice at work because I felt sure i would pass.
Now I've got to think of plan b, im also worried about what to tell people I know as everybody knows my plan for next year.
I barely slept last night - got about an hour

12-06-12, 21:00
Sorry to hear it didn't go well for you. It doesn't mean you're a failure though, it's just one exam. Loads of people have failed exams. Also, a lot of people re-sit exams, whether it's at school, college or university - would this be an option? It may mean you have to delay whatever your plan for next year is, but in that time you could perhaps gain more experience.

12-06-12, 21:11
When do you get your results?

12-06-12, 21:29
What exam was it? What level are u studying at?
College course can be repeated if u have failed , or maybe a resit might be possible if u speak to the tutor??
There are options so even if u have failed dont worry!!!!

12-06-12, 21:58
Well im 23, its my maths gcse, I've already taken it twice, both times getting a D.
I need it for teaching, I've been accepted onto the course with the condition that i get my maths GCSE. There's no way they will let me on the course even if I re sit as it all begins in september.
I'm pulling my hair out, I have a second one tomorrow - calculator paper & I'm bricking it.

I get the results in late august, help! I can't wait that long.
The worst thing is that i have a degree, 2 A's in GCSE English & 8 other GCSEs at C level.
This damn maths is the only thing holding me back from my dream. I just don't 'get' maths and I only want to teach KS1!!!

I'm thinking of trying to find a T.A/LSA job instead now for the meantime

12-06-12, 22:35
My sister had that problem exactly - had to keep doing "functional skills maths" but couldnt. It's not fair on teachers who are not maths minded. I do hope you passed, it might have been better than you think because you were nervous maybe? (It's interesting to note a lot of anxious people can't do maths)
Best of luck.

12-06-12, 23:22
easy for me to say but only 23 - plenty of time. Experience as TA may be perfect option in short term. Also approach college you applied to and ask for advice.
Re. maths perhaps consider a personal tutor. My guess is this experience will make you a better teacher.
Take care

13-06-12, 13:18
Will your college/University accept a GCSE equivalent? My dad teaches "key skills" in literacy/numeracy at a GCSE equivalent level, and my husband had to do the same in order to apply to University.