View Full Version : Citroplan feel awful

12-06-12, 08:13
Im on 16th day of citroplan I started on 10mg for first 2 weeks then doctor upped dose to 20mg I feel awful. I can't sleep my anxiety is so high, I've had diarrhoea my head is killing me feel like like just screaming i hate it. Are these side effects or something else. I keep getting pounding in my ears my doctor said its anxiety but I'm worried I have a brain tumour and now especially with these awful headaches I'm panicking. I feel like I'm burning up inside, please help x:weep:

12-06-12, 08:26
Hi - sorry to hear you are having a rough time - afraid they are all side effects - I am on week 7 of Cit - started on 10mg for 3 days then 20mg for 2 weeks and had bad headaches big time and tiredness beyond belief. The dose should even itself out by the end of the week.

I was beginning to get used to the 20mg but am under a psychiatrist for OCD and he upped me to 40mg!! have had problems on that dose - stomach problems so am down to 30mg but know he will want me on 40mg again! Am seeing him tonight.

You have no brain tumour (but that is how it feels - I know) could you ask you doc for some diazepam as they are required to give you some whilst starting on an SSRI - give him a phone call. Your symptoms will definitely subside - you are having horrible side effects which will pass.

Good Luck


12-06-12, 08:59
Hi laura thanks for the reply I haven't took today's dose as I've felt so I'll but I suppose if these are side effects I should try and stick with them. X

jenny kilden
12-06-12, 09:16
hey bashley - please don't miss your dose - you'll feel much better soon - it is side effects your suffering - i too am on cit - started on 10mg for 4 weeks then upped to 20mg. for my 1st 3 weeks on 10mg i was in an awful way - had every side effect going - so i no how you feel. then when i upped to 20mg i had more side effects - but after 2 weeks they wore off, been on 20mg for 4 weeks now and am feeling really good again.
so please - i no its hard in the early days - but stick with them, they do work - just takes time.
you should read the citalopram survival guide - which is by a fellow sufferer - its a really good read.
you'll be feeling good soon.

12-06-12, 09:19
Thanks Jenny how can I find the citroplan survival guide.? X

12-06-12, 11:17
Hi Bashley - just go to search at the top and type in Citalopram survival guide and loads of drop down stuff will come up click on it in red - but do keep taking them - when I was on 20mg the side effects went pretty quickly - only having them now as being told to keep upping the dose to 40mg - and my stomach is not liking it - it has increased the anxiety - but it will go.

Keep taking them.

12-06-12, 16:09

I know it's tough but stick with it I'm now 12 weeks in and getting back to normal- whatever that is lol! The first month is a really bad time but it does get better just try to persevere with it, I had loads of side effects but you'll be happy to know they've all gone apart from slight brain fog but nothing too serious.

As for the raised anxiety it's terrible but it does get worse before it gets better luckily my GP had warned me of this. Don't give up on the Cit yet as its great when it starts working.

Keep your chin up and battle through and you'll be glad you did when you pop out the other side.

Take care.


12-06-12, 16:46
Hi Mick

I am 7 weeks into Cit 30mg - seeing shrink tonight and I know he will up it to 40mg but still constant anxiety in the pit of my stomach - will tell him this as have lorazepam.

Did you have any of this? Headaches have gone and tiredness but this anxiety is lingering!

Cheers Laura

ps glad you are getting on well - know 12 weeks is the normal time scale.

12-06-12, 19:18
Hiya Laura,

My anxiety went about week 6-8 although does pop up occasionally but nothing too bad. The only thing that's lingering is this DP but it's nowhere near as bad as it was so when this goes I'll be a happy bunny again.

I had some diazepam 2mg at the beginning and they helped immensely but was only prescribed 2 weeks worth as they are addictive.

Hope you start to feel better soon maybe as you are on a higher dose it might take longer to adjust. Keep on going and it will get better.

Take care,


12-06-12, 19:46
Hi I'm trying to stay on the pills but I don't think I'm strong
Enough to fight these side effects. Also as the anxiety is sky high
I'm thinking the symptoms are something serious like the headaches
I'm thinking brain tumour . I feel sick and I feel like I'm spaced out I
Just hope this does get better, I'm not getting any sleep and feel
Exhausted.I also feel all shaky.

12-06-12, 20:33
Hiya Laura,

My anxiety went about week 6-8 although does pop up occasionally but nothing too bad. The only thing that's lingering is this DP but it's nowhere near as bad as it was so when this goes I'll be a happy bunny again.

I had some diazepam 2mg at the beginning and they helped immensely but was only prescribed 2 weeks worth as they are addictive.

Hope you start to feel better soon maybe as you are on a higher dose it might take longer to adjust. Keep on going and it will get better.

Take care,


Hi Mick

Not long been in from seeing Psychiatrist and told him of my stomach issues and anxiety and he examined me and said I had gastritis! not caused by Cit and that Omeprazole and Gaviscon would calm it down! he told me to jump to 40mg from the weekend! Will review at week 12 and may use an add on Olanzapine or swap to Effexor? Just praying it will work!

Glad you are feeling better.
