View Full Version : Early morninganxiety

12-06-12, 09:25
Ever since I've started with this anxiety problem.I wake with terrible anxiety and fear. No Gp or shrink seem to get to the bottom of this. any one help. I've tried getting up , staying in bed and all sorts. The fear is terrible but I dont know of what. i've tried every anti deps going and even when one has sort of worked I still have this symptom. Is any one the same?


12-06-12, 09:59
It is a common bodily reaction to wake feeling anxious in the morning. Once you are awake get up and have something to eat and drink. This wil help to stabilise your sugar levels and rehydrate you after the overnight fasting.
I used to keep a tub of biscuits by my bed for a night-time feast if I woke in the wee small hours which helped me settle down again in a calmer state.
Hunger and thirst can exagerate anxious feelings so have a drink and a light snack every couple of hours during the day too.

12-06-12, 10:39
Tried that hasnt worked
when I wake as bad as i have this morning it lasts all day


12-06-12, 10:55
This has always happened to me too Joy....not nice, and I completley understand what you are saying. Mine did improve slightly but seems to be back with a vengence this past couple of days :shrug: I am consumed with fear and I just don't know why and when I get this bad, I just can't face the world. It can be completley debilitating. Sending you :hugs: Kitti x

12-06-12, 14:55
Glad but not glad someone feels the same


12-06-12, 16:13
Hi Joy, this happens to me too. I wake up in the morning and I know I am anxious but I am often not sure what this time my anxiety is about. I usually think for a moment to recall what went wrong the day before or what is going to happen. Sometimes when there is nothing really to be anxious about I feel like I make up the reason to be anxious. This morning struggle helped me to realise that I recognise that I am anxious by feeling the cramping feeling in my stomach. Than I link a thought to this feeling and it starts spinning.

12-06-12, 16:15
I get this, for the past 2 weeks I have woke up startled then the dreaded body sensations start, no matter what i try to do breathing exercise, counting backwards nothing stops them this leads to me heaving sometimes with vomit others just heaving i hate it cant get rid of the thoughts and sensations they stay with me all day sometimes. I cant eat anxiety levels too high and i practically have to force myself which is not nice because it taste horrible.
I am at the moment doing a mindfullness course dont know if anyone heard of it done 6 weeks its all about mediation i get a bit lost with it sometimes and when i do do the breathing exercises i end up with chest discomfort!!!!!
I take meds cipralex 20mg and prochloraperzine 1 very other day started to come off these so dont know if this is why im like this at moment I dont think so because i am like this most off time even with tablets.
if i think to much about it i get more anxious so try to block it all out and just try to get by each day.
I have had this 25 yrs plus and only prob gone 2 years at most without any panic attacks or anxiety i hate it and dont know how my partner copes with me,

12-06-12, 17:00
What helped me was getting straight up out of bed without lying there for even a second, then getting straight on with the day, breakfast, washing etc.

12-06-12, 17:06
Bit early at 5am
