View Full Version : Dreaming/Sleeping

12-06-12, 11:28

Bear with me as I explain this as it is rather confusing,

Basically sometimes when I start to go to sleep, as i close my eyes, I have a dream like thoughts and I can tell I am in a dream and I feel like "if i open my eyes I will wake up" and I can consciously open my eyes and im awake and i feel awful when i do, like very weak, no engergy and this would have numerous times every time i try to close my eyes :(

does anyone know what this is? did it make sense?

Any advice would be greatly accepted!

Thank you for taking time to read this!


12-06-12, 14:32

Bear with me as I explain this as it is rather confusing,

Basically sometimes when I start to go to sleep, as i close my eyes, I have a dream like thoughts and I can tell I am in a dream and I feel like "if i open my eyes I will wake up" and I can consciously open my eyes and im awake and i feel awful when i do, like very weak, no engergy and this would have numerous times every time i try to close my eyes :(

does anyone know what this is? did it make sense?

Any advice would be greatly accepted!

Thank you for taking time to read this!


I get this! basically we're going into REM sleep too early, we're supposed to fall asleep for a bit (maybe 30-90 minutes or something) and THEN begin dreaming, but we start to dream as we're falling asleep, and we're aware of it too and we can 'snap out of it' by opening our eyes.. our minds are too overactive it would seem due to the stress/anxiety (it states it as a cause for this) and whenever you "awaken" from REM sleep, or awaken while you were shifting into it, you're going to feel very tired. I'm not sure why this is but I guess something to do with the mind still being very active even though we are tired.. I also wake up from REM sleep in the mornings, this morning I woke up hearing someone say 'but it's because of tradition", or during the night I wake up from it and sometimes all my muscles feel so heavy, i can barely move if i want to turn over in the bed or something, i just feel so drained, so i can relate to what you're experiencing and get mental and physical effects from it. I'm not sure how to stop it though, I'm starting to wonder if sleeping tablets would be a good idea because they might relax a person and help them drift off into the proper relaxed stage of sleep first before the dreaming occurs. If I try some this week I shall let you know if they made any difference. Try not to worry or anything though, this occurrence is very normal for people who have stress/anxiety, but it would be great to find a way to get more quality sleep again :/

12-06-12, 23:14
That happened to me a couple of nights ago but it was during the night, not just as I was falling asleep. I remember feeling really dizzy (I don't know if that was a dream or if it was real life?) but I woke up feeling weak and awful feeling. Fortunately I fell back asleep in a few minutes.

To follow on from what the person above wrote, during REM sleep your body actually "paralyses" you, so that you don't act out your dreams. So if you wake quickly from REM sleep, you can feel really weak, or even worse, you can get sleep paralysis. I've had that a few times and it's really scary.

13-06-12, 00:23
To follow on from what the person above wrote, during REM sleep your body actually "paralyses" you, so that you don't act out your dreams. So if you wake quickly from REM sleep, you can feel really weak, or even worse, you can get sleep paralysis. I've had that a few times and it's really scary.

ah this makes sense, i've had paralysis once or twice too upon waking, not fun at all :/ luckily it wore off pretty quickly tho

21-06-12, 16:54
Thank ou guys, it has subsized a little at the moment!

22-06-12, 00:38
Thank ou guys, it has subsized a little at the moment!

good to hear :hugs: mine seems to happen a fair amount but i dont think it happens all the time.. there are times when i dont remember 'going into a dream' while falling asleep so i guess i must have fallen asleep normally, it probably decreases as our stress levels decrease