View Full Version : Ears driving me mad - struggling with today

12-07-06, 21:23

Having a bad day to day - my panic started about a month ago when my ears blocked (probably a virus) - gave me really bad claustrophobia - and triggered the panics. Tried diazepam but makes me worse so struggling on with herbal stuff and trying hard to stay in control.

My ears are much worse today - I think its developed into glue ear - which I know sounds like nothing to most people but stresses me out and frightens me. Praying it will go away soon - then maybe I can start to feel a bit saner.

Just wanted to tell someone.


12-07-06, 21:52
Hi Margaret, good to speak with you. I am going to be of no use what-so-ever to you, but, I have had exactly the same, i could have written the post myself and last night when i woke i had a panic (haven't had one in quite a while?) my ears have been blocked for over a week now, no pain just feels like if I yawned it will clear? Haven't taken much notice - no big deal, but last night i too felt as if everything was closing in on me and had no control, i so hope i am not scaring you, cos i believe we both got through it, i just thought no-one would understand what problems blocked ear cause. take care and lets hope things clear soon. it isn't anything serious, it is just we re-act more than most. xxxx

12-07-06, 21:58
Thanks for the reply Carlin, its good to know someone understands - I try really hard to stay in control (I'm back at work after 2 weeks off) and say to myself its just a strange feeling and it doesn't matter - but I really hate the feeling and then the panic starts - I am going to have to learn some coping techniques for this as it seems like its not going to go away quickly. I'm seeing an acupuncturist and chinese herbalist - went first time last week - but no better yet - fingers crossed she can do something to help. And thanks again for the reply.


12-07-06, 22:12
Thank you for YOUR re-assurance to know some one else understands helps me (selfish, i know) Let's hope we both have a good nights sleep and i will remember it is only a feeling, scary though isn't it? I have put all my back-up plans into action tonight, fan in bedroom, tv ready to switch on dvd at the ready, mobile by my side, being a little dramatic eh? anyway mate, am glad you are back at work, keep in touch and we can compare ears/notes. not making light just feeling a liittle scared. Give your treatments a chance to work, cos they will xxxx

13-07-06, 13:12
Hi Magaret and Carlin can I join your ear gang please!

I so understand I have had alot of trouble to with my ears lately. They are feeling so blocked all the time. Tiss horrid huh! I had them checked a couple of times and it's not an infection.

I find what does help me a bit is I put some menthal crystals in a bowl of boiling hot water put a towel over my head and inhale.

In between doing this I just squeeze my nose till my ears pop and then go back to inhaling for a few minutes.

It supposed to help clear your tubes! Warning though you don't need many menthol crystals! As they are very strong as I found out! [:O]

Never mind clearing my tubes it cleared my brain! Not that there was much brain to clear![:P][Duh!] LOL

I hope both your ears are better today.

Take Care,;)

Love PIP'S X X X X

13-07-06, 14:00
Me Too !!! i had the blocked ear thing for weeks and then it just went.

Hope it gets better soon.


13-07-06, 16:07
Im reading this post thinking, I know why we all have blocked ears!

I get blocked ears every july and realised it pollen related, its the grass pollen....I dont sneeze or get itchy eyes but I just get blocked ears .

Dont get freaked out about GRASS,Hope this helps :D


13-07-06, 16:13

Sorry to hear you are feeling like this. Have you been to your doctor at all?

x x

Two heads
14-07-06, 19:21
We all seem to have blooked ears.I known just how you feel im on antibiotics at present to see if its an infection.I was the say as you and woke up with it monday mor.It really scared me as havet had blocked ears in my life.I thought it was my meds doing things to me!
Im going to try that menthal stuff in abowl,try it yourself and let me no how you get on!
Good luckxx

17-07-06, 08:39
Thanks all for the replies - its so good to hear from people.
Yes Pips - I've tried the menthol/eucalyptus inhalant and it really does help (my husband thinks it may also help to calm me down as its a bit like breathing into a paper bag! Who knows - but it certainly does help your whole head to feel less closed in).
Seen the doctor - says my outer ears are fine - its just something in my middle ear that will go away in time.

Had a fairly good weekend with friends round - ears were on and off - but distraction of people helps.

For info - my GP also gave me a steroid nasal inhaler to use at night (cos I get really panniced if they block at night) its called Flixonase - and I have very occasionally used it during day if I'm going somewhere that matters - and it does seem to reduce the blocking - so that may help - I think its really for hay fever sufferers - so that maybe significant Mirry.

I'm amazed so many of us have this - and that it triggers the panic - stops me thinking I'm going completely round the twist!

Thanks for your support.


18-07-06, 09:53
i sometimes get an odd blocked type feeling in my ears when i mentioned it to a nutristionist she said it is probably linked to anxiety as we have a lot of energy in our ears and the anxiety creates this
i have to say once i had a reason for it, it seemed to go and only comes back when im really nervous

Two heads
18-07-06, 10:22
Hi margaret!
Hope you are ok?
I still have blocked ear and its driving me mad hun!
I have finished my antibiotics now so dont no where to go from here really.I dont no about you but i dont fill quite with it really,i feel strange.And worry its here to stay!
Let me no how you progess hun,
Take carexxx

21-07-06, 00:18
Hi all

Ears not good today - think it maybe humidity. Trying acupuncture and chinese herbs - not much progress yet but we'll see. Also seeing GP again tomorrow - don't hold out much hope but at least he'll be able to say if there's anything they can do to alleviate it. I do seem to have got most of the panic I had relating to it under control - unless the worst happens and they both completely block - then I'll be an unhappy bunny - fingers crossed it won't happen.

Hope others are doing better than me.


21-07-06, 06:11
HI - I know where you are all coming from. I have had a blocked left ear for over a year now and it makes you feel lopsided and closes you in - I had vertigo last year as well so I just ignore it but it does get worsein humidity and this weather is hell for my asthma and blocked ear!!!
Wenjoy x

21-07-06, 23:22
Hi i have a blocked ear too!!!

Every morning when i wake up my left ear is blocked and my hearing is funny, but with in a few momnts it clears.

Weird! maybe there is a connection between panic and ears!!! :)

Hope everyone is ok

loads a love Carolyn xxxxxx

22-07-06, 03:27

I know how scary issues with the ears can be... Mine usually plug up to my sinuses and Allergies in mid April and Generally don't unplug until hmm October.. sometimes into November. Sounds become more distant.. voice start to become softer harder to understand.. I've had many an attack over a change in the barometric pressure which of course affects my sinues which causes the above issue with my ears to either lessen a bit or get worse..

But hang in there.. everything will be fine and just keep telling yourself it's temporary you can get through it =)


22-07-06, 12:46
the connection between blocked ears and panic is.....HIGH HISTAMINE,allergies cause high histamine symptoms of high histamine are...restless leg,inner agitation,anxiety,panic,meneres symptoms(blocked ears).
I have this problem ,only since stopping my seroxat there is nothing in my ear but feels blocked and i have panic with it,histamine is closely linked to neuro receptors and seratonin and dopamine,please if you see your doc mention the histamine /allergy senareo could be the root of your problem,good luck oh and high histamine produces too much adrenaline to combat the reaction and we all know how adrenaline rushes feel