View Full Version : Saying hello

12-06-12, 11:40

I just found this site, and have had a quick look around. It was quite emotional for me to find so many people with similar problems. I've always known that there are people out there however within my life I'm considered an oddity.

I have suffered from various levels of anxiety starting mainly when I was 16 years old, and without much of a break. I have daily anxiety that can range from a bit worried with physical feelings of nervousness all the way up to the point where I have to take steps to prevent a panic attack. I find it very hard to cope with as its so constant and dosn't tend to let up, even when I'm supposed to be having "fun". It has affected my social life because I become snappy and rude at times, although I'm working on this now.

I honestly don't know how to make it stop and people take the mick out of me because of it. I don't really know what else to say.

edit: I am ok to talk about the events of my life, if anyone wanted to know or it makes it easier to give advice.

12-06-12, 11:50
Hi Bencp

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-06-12, 13:11
Hey Bencp,
I have been having daily panic attacks on and off for 18 years now.

Last year I was back at work and my anxiety was minimal, unfortunately some unavoidable problems arose and I am back to square one, I am moving forwards again though and have my first course of CBT on Thursday.

Have you had CBT before? Perhaps it would help, to look towards the future instead of living in the past, which a lot of us anxious people do.

PM me if you want to chat.