View Full Version : Here to help

12-06-12, 11:48
I am a semi retired psychotherapist and clinical hypnotherapist specializing in anxiety and I am here to help.

I have a wealth of tips and techniques and am prepared to share.

E mail me here if you wish.

Tony (GSDexpert)

12-06-12, 11:59
Hi GADexpert

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

12-06-12, 12:56
Hi Tony,
Your mail box will be full by the end of the day!!!

One question, I suffer from Panic Disorder/Social Anxiety/Insomnia and had CBT about four years ago, I have made an appointment to go and see a Psychologist on Thursday about another couse of CBT. There is normally a six month waiting list for CMHT, which is why I am proposing to go private, do you think it will be worth my while?

Being at home on my own all the time is making my anxiety worse, I have too much time to think about it and want to get back to work.

Much appreciated,

You can send me a PM, thank you.

12-06-12, 14:27
Hi Tony,
Your mail box will be full by the end of the day!!!

One question, I suffer from Panic Disorder/Social Anxiety/Insomnia and had CBT about four years ago, I have made an appointment to go and see a Psychologist on Thursday about another couse of CBT. There is normally a six month waiting list for CMHT, which is why I am proposing to go private, do you think it will be worth my while?

Being at home on my own all the time is making my anxiety worse, I have too much time to think about it and want to get back to work.

Much appreciated,
You can send me a PM, thank you.

Hi Sarah

CBT is good, lots of great techniques there but it it is SLOW - I practice Solution Focused Brief Therapy and that is FAST if you can find a good SFBT practitioner near you you would be back to work a lot sooner.

I can't comment on CMHT near you.

I will pm you some other helpful advice


12-06-12, 16:06
I have tried every anti dep under ther sun the last 5 years with no success and just started CBT and to be honest i dont think its for me. My worst symptom is waking up with extreme panic which usualy lasts all day.I have just started with anew shrink who I do have faithin but since he changed my meds i've felt worse.said they havent had time to work yet. Seem to have every book written on anxiety which havent helped. Feel an hopeless case


12-06-12, 16:59
SFBT http://casat.unr.edu/docs/StephenLanger_SolutionFocusedBriefTherapy.pdf
Reports a 60% success rate overall...seems like a "cut-the-crap therapy", not as well-known as CBT.
How about giving us an overview of it Mr Bennett? What kind of successes have you seen with phobias and trauma?

15-06-12, 09:18
I practice SFBH - that is to say a session will typically include 40 minutes of SFBT - always including the miracle question which is very effective when properly applied and then 'cemented' in place with 20 minutes of hypnotherapy based on the SFBT session.

I include a lot of forward pacing in the hypnosis sessions and use a lot of NLP in the SFBT sessions.

At each session the client is given 'homework', appropriate exercises and asked to report back on their results.

Each subsequent session the client is treated as presenting for the first time, after all the should have made progress both at the previous session and between sessions so they are in a 'different place' and we start from there.

Our results for Phobia are near 100%, there are two types of phobia - simple phobia and complex phobia. Simple phobias will be typically sorted, forever, in three sessions. Complex phobias may take up to 10 session but never more.

If a client needs more than 10 sessions of this type of treatment it's the wrong treatment for them and we refer them elsewhere.

As you can see, like most therapists we have a golf bag of techniques and we take out the right club at the right time, that way we use the right tool to get the client to a better place and we would expect to succeed with most clients.

Success of any technique is dependent on the client believing in the process, entering into it willingly (not to please someone else), doing the work at the session and between sessions, being honest with the therapist and accepting that 'it' doesn't work if they don't too. All that has to be covered in the introductory session.

So what do I think of SFBT? - brilliant! Am I surprised at a success rate of only 60% - not at all. It is a tool like any other and must be used with the right client at the right time.

I don't often take substance abuse cases because the very act of taking the drugs or alcohol makes my clients predisposed to failure with the techniques I use and I personally would not rely on SFBT for this.

Schizophrenia is also an area that I would be cautious of as I am unwilling to use hypnosis with a schizoid patient.

I am not sure that answers your questions but to summarise SFBT - great - and results can be improved by selecting the appropriate clients and combining it with other techniques.


15-06-12, 09:56
thank you