View Full Version : Crossing Bridges before I come to them

Polar Bear
12-06-12, 12:04
Just had another example of my paranoid thinking. We have had parking problems around my house for a couple of months. The son of one of the neighbours seems to be operating his car sale business from outside my house. Things have calmed down a bit over the last week or so as his mum has moved out and wants to let the house. He doesn't live here anyway but there are a couple of cars around still (although none outside my house).

One car got sold yesterday. I was oiut this morning and came back to see a strange car outside my house. I immediately thought the worst - that he's still bringing in cars to sell not just trying to get rid of the ones still around here. I went into meltdown getting angry and worrying that this situation was going to continue.

Anyway 30 mins later the car had gone - nothing to do with the problem which hopefully is going to subside now. I really hope so because this has been really getting to me.

Does anyone else get into a state before they even know all the circumstances and whether there is even a problem! I feel such a wreck. Have been to the doctors and been on citalopram for a couple of weeks now so I hope they start making a difference.


12-06-12, 12:27
I think the anxious mind tends to over analyse and worry about everything! This often happens to me, I always seem to think the worst in every situation. I'm pretty sure you are not alone in this. Have you tried positive thinking? Doesn't always work but might be worth a go to reduce the anxiety levels. Good luck with the meds.

Kitti :)

12-06-12, 12:34
I can fully relate to your situation, I get paranoid and obsessive about the outcome of situations when I really don't have a clue. I even convince my family that terrible events would take place and because I had been so convincing they believed me..

I can't go into details, but I believed that I woud go to prison and my Mum thought that she would too, it was a financial mess, nothing serious, but I was nearly having a breakdown about it. I told my Mum that I was not going to prison and I would have to take my own life.

How absurd does that sound!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Polar Bear
12-06-12, 13:10

Hope your situation is fully resolved and you're not worrying now. It is awful how the mind can play these tricks.

I've relaxed a bit from earlier on but always in the back of my mind is the thought of whats coming next. A tired mind certainly doesn't help. Must try to switch off whilst keeping productive I think