View Full Version : so scared

12-07-06, 22:00
hi every1 really looking for some reasurance i havent slept for 3 nites now worrying myself,the problem is i have bad bleeding gums for the last few days and jaw pain for a while but thought it was tension now my mouth is very sore on the bottom right side ,what making it worse is now ive got white patches on my gums at this side.im sure i heard someone say something about mouth cancer with white patches.i cant get to dentist till friday as they have no room till then.i went to doc today and he gave me antibitotics and said forget mouth cancer but i dont think he noticed the patches as i didnt until today.has any1 else hve this problem especially the white patches on the gum.i dont think i can take anymore of this worry.please help any1 thank you all marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

12-07-06, 22:09
Hi Molly,

i've had lots of worries concerning my mouth. I have had lower jaw pain on and off for 5 years, all stress/anxiety related. I've had white patches that come and go in my mouth, usually where something has caught my gum or the beginging of an ulcer. I've seen my dentist many a time for reassurance and she says if you reguarly see a dentist (once/twice a year) you really dont need to worry as they check that sort of thing out for you.
I also know mouth cancer isint supposed to be painful.
Please don't worry, i,m sure its fine. I also get bleeding gums reguarly - just need a good clean


Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

12-07-06, 22:16
thanks anxious for replying the trouble is i havent seen my dentist for a couple of years because of this panic.do u get whie patches on the actual gum bone thats where mine is. thank you marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

12-07-06, 22:24
Yes and on the floor of my mouth, have you brushed your teeth too hard?
Try not to worry, its very rare to be anything serious in your mouth - my dentist said they are loooking for ulcer type things that don't heal and white/red patches are a very early sign that something could change (but not necessarily).
With ha you notice smething from day one and dwell on it. Most 'normal' people give things a few weeks before getting themselves checked out and by then its usally gone!!

Laughter is a tranquilizer with no side effects

12-07-06, 22:24
Hi molly!!! I'm soz to hear that your so upset?!

I ahve suffered fro bleeding gums on and off for about five years. I also get quite bad pain in my lower jaw, I think this is due to tension from severe anxiety and stress. I myself have had small white patches on my gums that have been there for about 6 months. I went to the doctor and I too have been given antibiotics for it. I also agree with the previous respondant. Mouth cancer isn't painful and you don't get bleeding gums with mouth cancer. My auntie ann had it so that's why I know. You know when people get stressed, rundown or anxious?..... well we usually get colds, flus, coughs, headaches, indigestion, upset stomach, vomiting, You get the picture?!!! { soz not a nice visualisation!} lol!! Well consider this, I hope you don't take offence!!! Do you think it might be oral thrush? THIS IS NOT nessicerely A STI/D!! But could be caused due to stress. I have had oral thrush and along with the antibiotics I had antiviral tablets too. I always get physically ill when I'm rundown, and it fits the description of oral thrush. It's just a suggestion? But I really think there is no need to stress as your symptoms don't match mouth cancer. Try buying Oraldine as well, you can buy it from chemists, asda, tesco etc... It's brilliant and it will prob heal your mouth up in a couple of days. :D

12-07-06, 22:28
thank you both for your advice you dont know how much it is apreciated thank you marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

12-07-06, 22:42
thank you both for your advice you dont know how much it is apreciated thank you marcia

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

13-07-06, 10:39
Hi Marcia

You'll probably find the bleeding gums is just down to lack of flossing. This happens to me sometimes and it's always important to continue to brush to get rid of the plaque. I believe it builds up in the gums and makes them sore - hence the bleeding.

As for the jaws - probably tension. I grind my teeth during the night and wake up with aching teeth.

13-07-06, 17:42
Im agreeing with Charliegirl, white spots? Symptom of thrush. Antibiotics can cause it too so get that appointment for friday at the dentist, then stick to going every 6 months. (i went last friday & was bricking it, hadnt been for 2 yrs but he was great!) Bleeding gums are a sign of gum disease, not at all connected to oral cancers. Lots of flossing, electric toothbrush & if the dentist says yes to the gum disease get some Cortisol mouth wash.
Caz xxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

13-07-06, 18:44
I just found out something about gums that I didn't know! I was talking to my friend who is a dental hygienist and I told her I am about to start a new medication. One of the side effects is a dry mouth. She told me to be careful and if I have this side effect I may need some artificial saliva - because saliva helps to prevent gum disease and if you have a dry mouth you are therefore more prone to gum disease.

And I have to say that my anxiety causes me to have a dry mouth all of the time anyway, and I noticed in the last week or so that I have been having bleeding gums when I clean my teeth, and also a bit of soreness in some places.

So I would say that if you are suffering anxiety and have gum/mouth symptoms this is probably due to lack of saliva. May be worth speaking to dentist about.

My friend is an excellent source of info so if you want to know anything else, let me know and I'll ask her!


13-07-06, 19:29
Hi Molly.

Try not to worry. I have bleeding gums and white patches sometimes, when I told my dentist about it he said that it just means my gums and teeth are a little sensitive. Also when you clean your teeth if you brush them too hard it sometimes makes your gums bleed. So try not to worry and let us know how it goes at the dentist on Friday.

x x