View Full Version : Long lasting stomach / bm prob

12-06-12, 18:33
I have posted something bit similar before but would appreciate help.

Last Thursday night my husband and I came down with the sick / diarrheoa bug that has been going around. I was mainly sick but some diarrhea also. My whole family have had it and some are just getting back to normal but I'm not!

I seem to be almost normalish for a day or so - like today had normal bm in the morning (ablet colour still very yellowish) but later on I had loose bm again - yesterday was fairly normal. I constantly have a tummy ache - often minor.

I also have tonsillitis so feel so tired and run down. I spoke to GP who asked me to do a sample to rule out food poisoning (which I know it won't be) and he then said the dreaded, its not normal and we will need to find out what is wrong. As you can imagine my thoughts are BC!

I am eating fairly little - toast am and lunch and jkt pot with few beans - I am too scared to eat anything else so am loosing weight - though I am very overweight so not such a worry.

Rationally I know it must just be a bug that won't go away but I am starting to really worry. I'm 36.

Any advice really appreciated

12-06-12, 18:36
You poor thing :( Bugs tend to make me sick for longer than most people. My OH & I had gastro last year & I was sick for longer than he was. I'm sure it's nothing, your body just needs a little longer to recover. Stick to bland foods & make sure you're getting enough fluid.

The sample is probably the Dr erring on the side of caution :) xx

12-06-12, 19:09
I have been ill with a stomach ache since Saturday as well. It is doing the rounds at the moment I think

12-06-12, 19:45
i had a sickness bug along with my children they were right as rain within 2 days and it took me 2 weeks to fully feel better, then i to went down with tonsilitus i was so tired and run down and i really think its to do with when we are so anxious our immune system is very low and we come down with everything going and take longer to recover.
It takes time but you will recover soon just get plenty of rest and drink plenty of fluids

13-06-12, 14:22
Thanks so much for all your lovely comments - does make me feel better. I have taken in my stool sample today anyway and just hope over next few days I will start to feel better! xx