View Full Version : Struggling with sex

12-06-12, 19:01
Not sure if this is the right place to post this but hay ho..
My anxiety and everything is pretty much gone, been feeling normal for the past couple of months now. :-)
however I'm really struggling with sex, after not being able to have sex at all due to my meds and past horrible experiences, in the last few weeks I've been able to have it and enjoy it a bit more.
The only thing is now when I think about the recent experiences I feel disgusted by it as I did with the bad ones. It makes me feel sick. I don't even want to look at the other person at the moment and he is my friend. I feel like a horrible person for feeling that way.
I've been covering the past experiences in EMDR but not sure how to go about the recent. i can't just go for therapy everytime I have sex! What should I do? :-(

12-06-12, 20:05
Just try and forget about it everyone has a those moments that you regret but you are a adult and its okay to enjoy yourself. x

13-06-12, 14:15
Thanks cess x

13-06-12, 14:17
kate you have beat lots of things
your beat this
god bless

14-06-12, 18:12
Thanks London, I've decided to be on my own until I feel differently. I might have thought I was more ready than I actually was when it comes to that. Especially as everything else is on the up :-) Just need to let normality settle back in slowly I guess.
Are things well with you? x

15-06-12, 21:42
hi, ive had similar, not sure whether mine is anxiety related or something else, but i have completely lost my sex drive. I thought it may have been cos i was on the pill for years and had terrible mood problems. now im off it and hoped it would comeback...but it hasn't...
I suppose it is in't the end of the world..im also taking some time to be on my own.
take care