View Full Version : Couple of symptoms are bothering me, are they normal of ibs?

12-06-12, 21:27
I'll state now my 'ibs' is not confirmed by a doctor. I've come to my own conclusions from what people with it have told me and that eating certain foods makes my stomach worse. I guess it's silly but I don't see the point in going to the docs as I'm sure he'll come back with 'it sounds like you have ibs'

Anyway, so I've been getting a pain in my sternum? Is this sort of heartburn? Or could this be related to my back pain that I get still every now and again. It's sort of closer towards my left boob.
Also, pain in my pelvic area, sort of sharp muscle twinge like pain, comes and goes very quickly, usually when I stretch.

I have been under an undue amount of stress recently and I'm currently signed off work with it which I add is just adding to it! I'm also not sleeping very well.

Any help much appreciated :)

13-06-12, 07:32
honey I would go to the doctor and get a diagnosis only because its a safer way to go about it. They usually have to do blood tests and other screening tests first to rule anything out and if anything comes back clear then the doctor can rightfully diagnose you with IBS. Its for your own safety.

But in answer to your questions yes I do get those symptoms you have described and sounds quite common of IBS.

But I really think you should go to the doctor for a diagnosis. Even when you get a diagnosis you are meant to go back for any new symptoms your get.

All the best

13-06-12, 07:36
Thanks for that :)

I know I need to go, I just have soooo much other stuff on my mind at the moment that I can't even begin to think about it

13-06-12, 07:55
Yeah I know I understand. But it is important because it could be other things giving you those symptoms Im not saying anything serious just probably something simple.

But just to have all the majors ruled out and diagnosed then your doctor can work towards medication to help you deal with your symploms.

Let us know how you go.

13-06-12, 10:59
Thank you :)
I never ever had any issues whilst I was veggie for 5 years, and nothing before that then when I started eating meat again last August all hell broke loose! It seems to be worse after I eat red meat, but sometimes it seems any type of meat.
I've desprately googled to see if it's normal as my body hadn't digested meat in so long but nothing!