View Full Version : serotonin boost

13-06-12, 10:44
I am fully on my way to recovery. I believe people would never guess I had severe anxiety (triggered by traumatic life event and early menopause 40). Went to doctors offered citrapram took one and then got on computer to read experiences, was so afraid I didn't take any more. Well the anxiety got worse...I thought 'someone like me doesn't take anti-depressants!!' How wrong I was and eventually after agreeing to AD'S it is the best thing I have ever done. Thanks to a very understanding doctor, and three weeks sick leave (which I would recommend as there are side effects in first few weeks, not horrible but just be prepared to feel tired and a little different.) Side effects soon settle, I eventually went up to 40mg. Nearly 18months later I am going down to 20mg.

I discovered this site today when looking for positive experiences of reducing dose and feared I would just be reading bad stuff...found this site....positive at last!!! i have never been on a forum before but felt my contribution might help those in early recovery days.

My doctor explained I needed a serotoin boost that the levels in my brain had significantly depleted and needed a top up. The anxiety then becomes a vicious cycle that needs breaking, the tablets induce calm and help you take control and see the wood from the tree's. She explained you become more rational and not try to solve every problem or take on every problem...detach a little!!! i did not want to feel my personality had changed, she assured me it wouldn't. it would just slow me down a little and allow me time to catch my breath. This helped me a lot -medical theory, reassurance and common sense.

18months later I feel I have my old self back, don't get me wrong , I still, get fed up or bad mood but that is 'normal' not the extreme anxiety I had before for no apparent reason.

Also the book "The curse of the strong" by Dr. Tim Cantopher (as heard on radio 2) helped, as I to view myself as extremely strong, successful and full of life....however you can be all these things and have depression and anxiety as well.

Good luck and hope this message is reassuring....from someone no one would expect to be on AD's!!!!

13-06-12, 10:48
Good God - posts like this are gold dust on here ;)

Pleased you're feeling so much better - keep up the good work :D

13-06-12, 14:00

Hellington Boots
19-06-12, 19:58
Brilliant! Thanks for sharing this, it's great to know that with time people do get back to normal. I am also on citalopram - have only been on it a month and like you really was against it. I realise though that I need it just to balance my levels out so I can calm down and get better - my mind needs a rest.

Well done!


20-06-12, 22:40
Thanks just wanted to encourage people and reassure those who were new to this experience as I was.

I said in my earlier post that I was reducing my dosage. Doctor suggested to go from 40 to 20 !! did that but felt weird so took another 10mg later that day. Been on 30 for a week now and had some side effects but nothing major ( lots of energy bit dizzy). Once settled I intend to reduce another 10mg down to 20mg. Go to doctors , review and then reduce again. I will update the forum to encourage and reassure if all goes well.

24-06-12, 10:25
Thanks for this post. For those of us in the early days of Citalopram it is encouraging to know that it will be worth it. I have been taking it at 10mg for a month and am now in the process of upping my dose to 20mg.
I needed a lot of persuading to take medication but in the end I was so exhausted from the constant anxiety and panic that I knew I had to try something. It does seem to give my mind some much needed peace so that I can recover my strength and hopefully get back to normal.
All the best! x:D

11-10-12, 16:30
Not sure if you are still around Rabbits but thank you so much for this - it has encouraged me no end x

11-10-12, 21:48
Wonderful post! Wishing you continued success :yesyes:

07-11-12, 18:54
Hi, I think the last time I posted I was reducing my dose to 20mg. I haven't been on here since but last week reduced to 10mg and thought it would be useful to let others know how it is going.

All I can advise is reduce slowly over two weeks, each time I felt a little bit of anxiety return, restless sleep, bit hot and sweaty and irritable, but then back to normal.

Reduced to 20mg one day 10mg next. Did this for 2 weeks been on 10mg now for 5 days and feel absolutely fine.

I too read all the horror stories ( and I'm sure this is real for some people) but feel assured if you are ready and reduce slowlllly everything should be fine. My doctor said some people struggle doing this in winter with dark nights and cold etc and can always increase dose again.

I feel great and back to my normal self!!

Hurray for brilliant G.P.s they do exist.

Thank you for the recent posts and that I have helped you.

No shame in getting a little help when we need it.....1 in 4 people will have a mental health difficulty in their lives at some point!!