View Full Version : down days and stressfull decisions

13-06-12, 13:46
I have recently posted about how long will it take for the pills to kick in.well they do seem to work towards the end of the day and I would say I had almost half an hour of feeling 'normal'. Of course at the back of my mind I knew there would be a price to pay and today is that day. Things I thought I had coped with have now reared their ugly head again and are dragging me down today. I have been down because I didn't have a job, I am now in the position of having an interview (which is making me anxious) and the chance to set up a new business venture (separate to the job). Both of these things would worry me slightly when i was on top of the world but now they seem to be out of my reach. I realize I need a job to give me a reason to get up,social interaction and money etc and the thought of starting up a new venture is great but i really dont know how i will get through the next few days of life changing decisions when a leaking washing machine bought me to tears last week.
I know there are no quick fixes for the blips or down days but does any reader have a tried and tested method for dealing with what should be a high turning into a low.
Skinny Pete

13-06-12, 23:58
Be kind to yourself. It's NORMAL to feel anxious when faced with life changing events. There is no shame in it.

The washing machine thing...well, if you're struggling for cash I'm not surprised it brought you to tears. That's one of those things you really don't want breaking on you when you're out of work.
Well, it's one of those things you don't want breaking on you ever to be honest. Expensive to repair, expensive to buy another one. And, kind of essential these days. I sat and cried when mine broke recently too.

Try and remember that nothing lasts forever. Feeling bad, is not a price to pay for a good day. Think of it as a good day is a reward for getting through a bad day ;) Do the best you can, be kind to yourself and another good day will follow.