View Full Version : hi I'm a newby to this site

13-06-12, 14:44
Hello all Just introducing myself to everybody as its my first time on this site....I found it whilst browsing and it looks great. I am 60 yrs old but 21 in my head still....I am divorced and live in Harrow. I am bring up my two grandsons aged 6 and 11 yrs of age and I have legal custody of them.....tiring I have to say but I wouldnt swap them for the world. Have just been diagnosed as having chronic depression and anxiety and have never felt so low I have to say.....couldnt sleep, no appetite, thought I was having heart attacks, crying all the time for nothing really ect etc.....been prescribed some pills CITALOPRAM 20mg so hope they work very soon......looking forward to some chats on here as sometimes I feel so alone.......

13-06-12, 14:49
I'm new here too. Hope this site helps....

13-06-12, 14:54
Hi TJ1952

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

13-06-12, 15:25
Hi there,
I have only been a member here for a week and a half, and it has already made a huge difference. I really hope it helps you too....you arent alone,
Kara xxx:hugs: