View Full Version : emetophobia possible spike

13-06-12, 15:01
i'm having a complete meltdown! winter im usually scared due to norovirus but last year was a bit easier cause i looked at the statistics theres over 61 million people within the uk and only up to 1 million get it per year that's not many at all.
Usually when it gets to spring summer I feel so much brighter and happier but the thing is i'm now worrying about getting norovirus anyway from food, I use to think it was mainly oysters but have learnt you can get it from contaminated food, so for e.g if I buy a sandwich how do i know it's safe? I really would like some advice.

Kirsty x

13-06-12, 21:53
I also suffer from emetophobia so know exactly what you are going through. It limits everything I do but I have found the more I learn about norovirus the more I manage to reassure myself. I have a lot of rules about eating out, especially when abroad. I will eat packaged sandwiches e.g. from Tescos but always feel a bit nervous. When eating out I usually choose hot food and steer clear of salads.I usually manage a cold pudding such as cheesecake so there's not really a lot of method to my madness! Truth is there's no way of telling if a sandwich is safe but as you have read yourself, the statistics show its not really that widespread. The most important thing is good handwashing using soap and water where possible and not putting hands in mouth or on face.